VIOLENCE! Violent Rioting in Chareidi Yerushalayim Due To Arrest Of Mother – UPDATED 10:15PM IL

1.jpg[UPDATE BELOW] Police seem to be wondering why the chareidi community in Yerushalayim is coming to the defense of the mother being described by authorities as an “abusive mom”, relating to the fires, rock-throwing and general violent protests that are taking place in the Meah Shearim, Geula, Strauss Street and Bar Ilan areas. The violence relates to the arrest of the mother who starved her toddler child, a child now listed in serious condition in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Police report they have video footage of the mother abusing the child, a woman that reportedly has Munchausen Syndrome, an illness that compels her to intentionally abuse the child in the hope of gaining attention. Police state that the documented footage they have will “shock the general public”, insisting the violent protests are misguided well-intentioned acts, and far more serious at worse, resulting in significant property damage and destruction.

The vehicle of the Jerusalem police chief was badly damaged as a result of rock-throwing attacks, with some reported against buses and of course, security forces. Significant delays were reported on bus routes traveling the areas where rioting took place, including snarls backing up from Kikar Shabbos to King George Street in the heart of the downtown area.

Police entered the Toldos Aaron beis medresh in Meah Shearim towards evening, armed with batons and adjuncts to dispel rioters. Police are using unnecessary brutality members of the chareidi community report. Arrests are being made.

The Eida Chareidis is calling for a protest on Wednesday evening of women, in a most exceptional move, with the pashkavilim in the area quoting the children of the woman in custody questioning where their mother is.

Mayor Nir Barkat has ordered a halt to municipal services in riot-stricken areas, insisting he will not tolerate attacks against social workers and police. Chareidi city councilmen condemn the move, insisting the mayor does not have the right to cut services to any segment of the capital’s population.

At 9:00pm, another protest is scheduled at the Satmar beis medresh with chareidim insisting they will not rest until the woman is released.

Thousands of Satmar chassidim will reportedly be protesting outside a the Israeli Consulate located at 42nd Street and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan against the Israeli government. At this time, it remains unclear if that protest will take place on Wednesday or Thursday.

As we close this article, at 8:00PM Jerusalem time, some 20 protestors have been arrested by police.

UPDATE 9:15PM IL From Yerushalayim:

About 23 protestors have been taken into custody by police, now being held in the city’s Russian Compound Detention Center located in the heart of the downtown area.

One detainee managed to call from cell phone, reporting those in detention are refusing to cooperate with police, who he states continue to use unjustifiable force against them. They report they are recording information of the officers and hope to file complaints in the future.

It appears police are determined to exhibit a hard-hand response, indicating all the detainees are being held until at least Thursday morning. No one is being released on Wednesday night according.

In the streets, there are many others who appear determined to continue the rioting and insist they are not afraid to go to jail, sending a message as long as the mother remains imprisoned, the violence will continue. On the other hand, senior police officials earlier on Wednesday indicated to chareidi askanim that detainees will be released. It is too soon to know just how the night will develop.

Scattered violence is being reported in the areas of Kikar Shabbos, Bar Ilan Street, Shivtei Yisrael Street, and Meah Shearim. A large Satmar protest is scheduled to get underway at any moment on Yoel Street.

UPDATE 9:45PM IL: Tehillim at Satmar Yeshiva

A vehicle with a loudspeaker is traveling around the Yoel Street area of Jerusalem calling on the tzibur to come out and take park in the protest at the Satmar beis medresh. Rav Poppenheim, a maggid shiur at Satmar, is addressing the tzibur in Yiddish. Tehillim were recited earlier inside the beis medresh.

Hundreds are beginning to gather outside the beis medresh. The street is closed by burning dumpsters.

It appears the event will be leaving the beis medresh to march someone. YWN Israel will continue monitoring this ongoing event in Yerushalayim.

UPDATE 10:15PM IL: Violence Continues in Yerushalayim:

It appears that police may be losing control. Hundreds of protestors are leaving the Satmar beis medresh heading for Tzafanya Street, apparently planning to make their way to Bar Ilan Street.

The scene on Bar Ilan at this time is one of protests, which do not seem to be winding down. Participants insists that for as long as the mother is held in detention, the violence and protests would continue.

Police are trying to make additional arrests but protestors seem to be evading them. It would appear the violence on Bar Ilan Street is not over for tonight.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

75 Responses

  1. I CANT BELIEVE THE behavior of our fellow frum yidden!

    This mother obviously has medical issues and the child was in big danger!

    From what i understand she has other children too.The government did the right thing by taking her away from the children!

    If they need to protest they should protest that the child was being abused

    Also PLEASE put name of child so we can daven and say tehillim for him!

  2. If the attackers are throwing stones and damaging cars, the police have an obligation to round up and arrest the perpetrators.

    If the area is unsafe, the Mayor has the obligation to protect his workforce from entering the zone.

    In this case it seems like chareidim are bringing hardship on themselves.

  3. this hole story ton thus wonderful mother is fabricated!!

    and that’s y Ara fellow brothers are going on the streets to protest against the frei ppl’ how hate us chareidim.

    and you Yechiel Spira will have to give din vechesbon for reporting this false stories!

  4. I always defend shomer mitsvot jews. But over and over again i read about satmar hassidim or sect inside satmar protesting,burning,throwing rocks…

    Where are the rebbeim? Wheres our leadership!!! come out and talk. Why are they failing us?! Speak out and say the truth…

  5. Unfortunately, this behaviour is all too believable. It is the misplaced “rachmanos” of our people which is anathema to true torah judaism. The rachmonas should be directed at the children of this admittedly sick parent. The primary focus should be protecting the children. True, the mother needs medical attention, however our yiddeshe children should be at the forefront of the “protection”. Hashem has often warned us about not letting our natural inclination towards rachamim NOT clouding our judgment (i.e. re-read your history of Hashem’s admonishes to Shaul in his pursuit of Amalek. wherein misplaced rachmonas on the animals ultimately led to the survival of Amalek!)It is all too common an occurance where the focus amogst unzerer is on protecting the perpetator rather than the perpertrated, and this is, k’al vichomer, worse when the victims are children!

  6. I believe it is correct to demonstrate, this lady should not have been arrested!! She needs big time help and shouldn’t be near her children, but why arrest a mentally ill person? If I was there in Israel I would be there.

  7. personally know this nice woman and her well-known prestigious family, the whole thing here is a wild “Bluff” made against pious Jews. Everybody has learned it again and again, how these “reshoim” [wicked people] are trying as many times as they could, creating problem in the ultra orthodox community as much as they can. And the story here is clear, as they write: “It was later revealed that the woman is a member of the Neturei Karta community. Now they found “nebach” a mother of many children with a sick child that is already suffering eight months in the hospital, and fabricated a scoop. And everybody believes their story, that a frum mother from “mea-sheorim” with many children, is willing to kill her child, by pulling out a feeding tube, as you hear by the monsters in Harlem, after sitting by her daughters hospital bedside the past eight month. Her goal is only to kill her child. Of course, they are not telling the whole story, this child was hospitalized eight months ago the child didn’t eat well and was loosing weight, they diagnosed her with cancer r”l, and treated her with chemo therapy. Now they found out that it’s not cancer. (Most probably, this whole story is a cover-up, not to focus on them, for misdiagnosing and treating her all this time with chemo.) Right from the beginning on, they tried very hard to create a “child-abuse” case, but never got anywhere, therefore, the relationship between the mother and the nurses was always very rough, lately, she realized a hidden camera in the room, she had suspicions that something is cooking, the were watching her with “seven-eyes” but what could she do. Unfortunately, the long-awaited time came as can happen many times, a child moves from side to side, one tube slipped out, they ran in with such a vengeance, they finally caught her. She wants’ to kill her child…. They said “we are already watching you several weeks on the hidden TV, now we got you.” They didn’t even want to hear her reply, the entire hospital staff was suddenly there, laughing at her as she cried, it was clearly a case of anti-Semitism. They arrested her as a real murderer, throwing her in jail with the worst of man-kind possible, she is already sitting there since last week Wednesday. Even the husband was arrested for two days and was released on $50.000. bail. Wake up , whom do you really believe

  8. There seems to be a machlokes between the yerushalmim and the israeli establishment. Let’s see on the one hand you have a group of bnay torah mixed with maybe ten per cent vilde chevra that throw rocks and burn garbage cans. Despite this ui have not heard of one long term injury or death from all these violent clashed(despite the knowledgable ywn commentors that compare them to hamas and hizbullah)
    On the other hand is an establishment spewing of corruption (whose leaders are always being accused of illegal actions)an establishment who is painted in the world media as murderers and bigots, you also have a terribly anti-religious record.
    The sixty years of the medinah has had inumerous of false accusations against frum people and agenda driven blood lynches. I is no surprise that the commentators on this forum who look to the internet for their thinking skills would believe the establishment

  9. Once when I was in Yerushalim, walking along kvish Echad in a haredi area that will not be named, I saw two kids hiding behind a mount of dirt throwing rocks at the cars. I happened upon them by accident and instinctively yelled, “Hey!” at them … they then ran about 25 feet to hide behind their father who apparently knew what they were doing.

    This was when Olmert was mayor and there was no rioting. Bored kids throwing rocks at cars of other Jews. They need a better outlet.

    The present rioting ridiculous. It’s pekuach nefesh or at least s’fak pekuach nefesh to remove this woman from her kids before she kills one of them. The real reason for this and the parking lot issue is a) boredom and b) not liking the outcome of the election. If the charedi community were united, Porush or Lupionski would be mayor right now. Blame ourselves for losing the election… and even so, Birkat is pretty understanding of frum needs. He’s no rasha.

  10. The reason why she was arrested was not because she may have mental illness. It’s because of her severe abuse of her child.

    For example, in Illinois a girl with mental illness who was released for 24 hours due to HMO regulations was suicidal. She took her car and drove 60 in a 30 mph right into a little Toyota killing four innocent people. She was arrested for her murderous behaviors.

    It was up to her to prove her illness and reduce her sentence. Mental illness can be used to request leniency as a mitigating circumstance, NOT to avoid being jailed for a crime to begin with.

    She undoubtedly needs all the psychiatric help she can get. But, she had to be arrested to avoid further contact with the child, and preferably the rest of her children too. It is a very sad situation, but the strongest feelings go out to the real victim here. The innocent child.

  11. when a cop beats a protestor religious or otherwise(as if they would beat non-frum, but theoretically) its ok, but chas v’shalom if an outraged ehrliche yid throws a rock at the kapo Franco’s car oh boy our own will scream chillul Hashem!.
    i’ve got news for us all when we are silent witnesses to chilul shabos, that it is a bigger chillul Hashem them all the rock throwing.
    i am embarrassed that chilul shabbos doesn’t bother me enough to throw, and proud of those that do.

  12. I would like to state that this story is extremely fishy. I am very knowledgeable in the field of feeding disorders and failure to thrive I professionally assist people. Therefor listen closely.
    I read all the news outlets to try to get as much info as possible in order to gain a better picture, and what I can tell you is that the info is real one sided story. The information submitted by Dr. Benny Glick who was interviewed on Ynet is absolutely invalid. (many people who’ve dealt with him were dealt roughly(to put it mildly))They write that the mother pulled out the feeding tube, but, then they claim that he was not doing well with the feeding tube and now he is gaining weight through oral feeding.

    If proper medical care was administered the child’s health situation would of not deteriorated to the extent it did. these few points raise a lot of questions that demand serious clarification.

  13. Frum people are not perfect. If they do crimes they must be treated like anybody else that does wrong. Children must be protected from negligent adults and parents. The public should not riot and take out their frustrations on their fellow citizens or the officials of their government.Misbehave long enough,cause disturbances and a chillul Hashem and there will be reaction from law enforcers.

  14. Not knowing this woman or her children I can’t say if the story is true or not. BUT, what I CAN say is that acting like an animal and destroying public property is not the Torah way. Is this what R’ Moshe Feinstein, or the Chafetz Chayim, or the Chazon Ish would have told people to do, even IF the woman is innocent?!? The cops a chayas as well, but why give them the opportunity to act on that fact by this disgusting behavior?!?


    I AM TOTALLY SHOCKED and dismayed that YESHIVA WORLD is MOTZI SHEM RA and publishes such articles taken from non-reliable, anti religious sources causing over a dozen people to already haven fallen for it with their lashon hara comments against frum people. Thank G-d for the chareidi community who are coming to defend this poor wonderful mother who was imprisoned for a pure “alilas dam 5769” fabricated story. This story was totally distorted by the left media who don’t miss any opportunity to smear chareidim and anything that has a smell of yiddishkeit. The fact that they claim they have a video, have you seen the video or have proof that such a video exists and even if there is, you know quite well that such claims with today’s technology means nothing. Have you inquired the other side of this story? For your knowledge, the mother was prohibited from feeding the child or bring him any food or drink. Your story is completely opposite of the actual facts. The social workers in Israel and in the United States are known for their prejudice against frum parents who have bli ayin hora large families, a thorn to these liberal workers.

    Yeshiva World, you may feel that this is a free format forum and everyone may give their opinion and piece of mind and bashmutz erliche yidden. But please keep in mind that this forum carries the name “Yeshiva World”, which for an average Jew or non-Jew represents the view of the Yeshiva world movement and if you bashmutz erliche yidden or you copy articles from those who hate religious Jews, this is giving a Yeshiva world official stamp to their accusations and libels.

    Before posting articles against religious Jews, YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY what you allow to post.

    I don’t care if you don’t want to post my comment, as long as YOU read it and hopefully change your attitude.

  16. Attention, everyone!! Instead of trying to figure out who is right and wrong, let us do something more productive. To counteract all this fighting -especially now during the the Three Weeks when Hashem is closely watching us and Din is strong – let us increase our acts of kindness for each other in the most simple ways. Say hello to someone you meet on the street (and Good Shabbos on Shabbos) even if you do not know them, say thank you to the bus driver, postman, storekeeper, serviceman, let someone go ahead of you in the store if they are in a rush, don’t doublepark and cause others aggravation, be nice to your employees, compliment someone who needs one, just be a MENTCH!!! We NEED to show Hashem that the MAJORITY of His Chosen Nation is acting appropriately. Chas V’shalom we act in such a way that Hashem will turn His face away from us again as happened a little over sixty years ago. KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS…PASS IT AROUND NOW!!!!

  17. #12 why should we trust your story over this one? In my opinion, Yechiel Spira has more Ne’emanus over yossyb.

  18. Aparently the violence was a last resort as she has been in jail for a week already. So much for you people thattayna that they should work it out diplomattically

  19. What an olam hafuch!!!
    Even if the mother was arrested on false charges, what does burning down your own neighboorhood, and hurting other people (including your own) help???
    Why don’t these people have a bisel sechiel?
    Most of the protesters are young bochrim, who is responsible for these bochrim? Are Yeshivas already on Bein Hazmanim in order to practice making fires? And taunt police officers

    Why are they burning garbage cans and acting like shiker goyim in Beit /Shemesh? (in an all charedi neighboorhood) who do they think smells the smoke and has to pay for the new garbage cans?

    We need MOshiach now!!!

  20. It seems to me that – accordinging to this articule – the Police is %100 right! And people should stop demonstrating for no reason.


    chana from monsey Says:
    To those of you who are really concerned. (Especially those who don’t jump to conclusions before hearing what really happened.)

    I personally know the mother -she’s a woman everyone would wish to have her as a mother- and the family. And I’m following this story for over a year now. The story in short is as follows, at the age of 1 the child got sick. He had fever, couldn’t keep food down etc. so on the advice of Dr. Floris Levy, a pediatric emergency medicine specialist at Hadassah Medical Center -whom she highly trusted- he was hospitalized In the Hadassah ein-kerem medical center where he was (wrongly) diagnosed with cancer by Dr. Michael Weintraub and Dr. Memet Aker under whose “care” he is until now. the child was and still is under hospitol care the whole time.

    As time went by and as the child received chemo therapy (for no good reason) and no turn for the better the mother started to smell that some thing isn’t right. But was brainwashed by the doctors that they are doing everything for the child’s welfare. But as more time went by and still no improvement in the child’s condition. The mother smelled that something is fishy and started to question the doctors. That’s when one of the doctors mistakenly slipped out that the child was misdiagnosed.

    The parents were warned not to tell anybody and not listen to anybody’s advice. But even though, the doctors being afraid that the parents will open a malpractice case against them and the hospital. They preemptively counter accused them and opened up this child abuse case against the mother, to cover up their on wrongdoing. And created this exotic condition that the mother never had and b’ezras hashem will never have.

    now regarding to the protest’s, rioting, etc. i strongly disapprove of any violence. but if anybody has any good suggestion’s on how to free a Innocent Jewish mother (at least on bail, which the court denied. some thing that would never happen in the u.s. or any other civilized country providing she poses no threat to anyone.) after a week (she was actually arrested a week ago) trying to settle this through the proper channels (lawyers, doctors, etc.) please post/do it ASAP. because i don’t think she can take this much longer.

    Now how about as another view on the story.

    p.s. she wasn’t arrested in the welfare office she was arrested in the middle of the street as the biggest criminal or worse and is kept so as well (without bail, kosher food, visitation rights, etc.) even though she is no threat to anyone.

    p.p.s. I don’t think her religious belief or organizational affiliation make any difference or even belong in the story.

  22. Rioting doesnt sound like the torahdig way of doing things whatever your politics.

    #12 posted a very powerful story but who does one beleive? after all they are well known trouble makers in that part of yerusholayim

  23. If she is “mentally ill”, then why is she in jail?
    The Israeli authorities claim she is insane, and then arrest her on a criminal charge? If their accounts in the secular press are to be believed, she is clearly insane (which means she can’t be prosecuted criminally for lack of “daas” – or mens rea as they say).

    If the story is true, then the logical result is they would release the children into the custody of someone in their own community (the local Rav, for example).

    It sounds like something doesn’t add up.

  24. you people don’t trust your fellow jews. don’t be so quick to pontificate, i don’t know the whole story here but most likely we are not being the truth at all nor the whole story. it doesn’t make sense for so many people to storm the streets over nothing. child abuse does exist and is ugly but never elicits a response like this. so cool it everybody there is something going on here that we simply don’t know about because the israelis can and do manipulate the media. one should pray not to fall into the hands of the zionists because they are ruthless murderers, and that’s a fact, albeit a sad one.

  25. Why is there a deluge of people condemning and only a very small voice who looked at this strange sounding story and realized that something here is amiss. Yossyb has shed a bit of light on what might be the other side of this bizarre headline. Whether or not there is truth in it,before we condemn, let us be sure that we are not victimizing the one that deserves our pity.


    They are convinced that the Government is trying to destroy them.

    Mayor barkat should be reaching out to the responsible leaders of the the Hareidi communnity–to Rav Eliashiv, to Rav Weiss, and others to listen to their legitimate grievances and to take appropriate action, where the grievances are justified.

    To stonewall the Gedolim and then to complainabout “illegal actions” when frustrated, angry people go to the streets is sheer Pigheadedness.

    Mayor Barkat’s stupidity and anti-Hareidi prejudice is the problem.

  27. yossyb, who do you think would win the “monsters in Harlem” or the Monsters in Me’ah Sha’arim?

    Keep the bigotry coming- it’ll really get Klal Yisroel somewhere.

  28. To #12, The woman may be innocent;she is innocent until proven guilty. However, the violence is inexcusable and abhorrent. My suggestion to you, since you live there, is to try to get the Eidah and other leaders to stop the violence. The protestors are making a huge chillul Hashem. Why aren’t the Satmar Rebbe and the Toldos Aaron Rebbe speaking out to condemn the violence?

  29. You may know her outside of the hospital, but I have seen what was happening inside the hospital first hand. The accusations are 100% true and she has been purposefully starving her child to death. I have seen her drain his stomach contents out through his feeding tube, into his diaper. I saw her feed a towel instead of feed her son. She was bold and brazen and I am surprised that it took them to long to catch her.

    I reported her actions and told staff what was going on close to a year ago. The real pity is that he had to get so sick and suffer for so long.

    B”H she has finally been stopped and IY”H she will never have a chance to do such a thing ever again. Refuah shelayma to the poor child. I hope he recovers fully and is able to grow to a life of real Torah, mitzvos and maasim tovim!

  30. I ma appalled at the one-sided reporting in the body of this article. Even the Jerusalem Post, which is not known to love frum Jews, has mentioned that the protesters are claiming the woman was framed and is being maltreated in jail. You, however, make no mention of the other side of the story in your main article or your updates, but rather echo the ‘wonderment’ of police forces as to why the people are rioting so furiously. For the sake of being dan l’kaf zechus, and also honest reporting, please investigate this matter more fully. The husband speaks English – why not try to get his side of the story? If this is a case of a possible malpractice suit and hospital cover-up, you can be sure that a baal’gaava doctor with a reputation to uphold and not too many scruples will be ruthless, and if this is a fabrication, it will be very difficult to combat now that they have gone public with their version of the story.

  31. what you read here at “YWN” This really means SINOS YISRUEL and especially against frum pepole, Listen to ( Kol Mevasser 212-444-1100- #1, #1, #4,) from a eye witness who is involved in this case for a few years, than you will decide who is the Rotzaich the Erlicha Gatriea mother that you describe as a Mental case. or the isreali goverment starting with the non frum hospital staff, and the israli police, and excuse me all comment writers against this erlicha mother.

  32. According to most news sites the woman’s condition was NOT a diagnosis rather a theory given over a year ago by one doctor without any real reason to back it up. There has never been a single suspicion raised or complaint against the woman about abuse until now. She has several children. this has not been proven at all. the meah shaarim folk are all calling this “blood libel 5769”.
    #12 that sounds a little way out there, but this is for sure not as cut and dry as YWN is making it sound. A intravenous tube being pulled out is not exactly sound proof especially since we havent heard her side yet. I’m a little surprised YWN hasnt even bothered mentioning that she may have a side. Again its all conjecture and vague police accusations up til here. You are allowed to be dan lekaf zchus.
    I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, I am saying it may not have.

  33. I think we need to be “Dan Lekaf Z’chus” and hear what #12 and #28 are saying to be the truth. The 3 weeks have begun and we are being tested. We need to say Tehillim for this family. We need to stop fighting and start fixing this major “out of control” situation. Hashem Ya’azor

  34. Rightly or wrongly, the protesters felt this was the only course of action to be mikayim pidyun shvuyim of an innocent Jewish mother from being held in detention by kapos and storm troopers.

  35. At the end of the day nobody knows what the truth really is and if people post different versions or stories we still won’t know, so let’s quit while we’re ahead and be Dan likaf zechut for this woman. But acting like a bunch of retards and bums like the riotors in LA is definitly the biggest chilul Hashem, I’m for protesting but peacefully.

  36. sammygol whos to say 41 is true . actually it seems noone knows whats going on. Thats being dan lekaf zchus. Recognizing that you dont have the facts and innocent until PROVEN guilty. Stupidity is believing everything you read on YWN (especially the comments)

  37. I’m glad that there is also #28 who wrote in with what might be the other side of this tragic story. That aside, what everybody seems concerned about is the rioting. The story is sad enough as it is, and the rioting just adds insult to injury

  38. to #49 iztheman
    But acting like a bunch of retards and bums like the riotors in LA is definitly the biggest chilul Hashem, I’m for protesting but peacefully.

    I think you have a big mistake I call this protesters with Honor ” Mesiros Nafash Mamosh” knowing the fact if you protest against this police murders you will beaten, arrested and more,

    why are they going out on the streets to protest to you think they serve there a meal or they are getting paid, to you think every body is a family with this woman? they are going to HELP A YID with Mesiros Nafash, this protesters are G’ army, in their ZACHUS we all live, in their ZACHAS we will go out from this bitterar gulis

  39. #41 it is obvious that you are trying to copy the comments from the other side of the story. You aren’t saying anything about knowing them or about your stay in the hospital…

  40. all these “meah shearim monsters” protesting might be your very own kids “learning: in the best yeshivos in yerushalayim I was right now by one of the protests and most of the rioters are bochurim and a lot ft them americans.

  41. “and storm troopers”
    This type of thinking along with a lack of normal outlets that all boys need is what is driving this disaster.
    We all need to study the entire Kamtza and Bar Kamtza Sugia in Gittin (starting around daf 57). Jewish sinners are never in the same catagory as Non Jewish Tyrants.

  42. #51 what do you want me to say? I could give you the child’s name, tell you how miserable he was when ever his mother was around and how much happier he was with the volunteers who came to stay with him each night. The child’s initials are CM.

    I don’t see what my child’s stay has to do with the matter. I do know the family is threatening anyone who testifies and their families as well. I also know that I am davening for them all.

  43. #41 You have managed to condense every street rumor into one horrific comment- shame on you! What a brazen Shakrun- incredible! What happened, the woman refused to lend you her blender?

  44. “and most of the rioters are bochurim and a lot of them americans”
    They all need to be in some organized sports league. After 2-4 hours of practice and play per day (except Shabbos), they will not have the energy to riot even if they want to.
    Frum soccer and basketball leagues will bring far less shame on the Ir HaKodesh than burning garbage.
    Baltimore has its “Yiddish softball league”.

  45. The suspecting medical staff at Hadassah Ein Kerem installed security cameras in the child’s room. To their horror, the footage showed the woman disconnecting her son from his feeding tube. In other cases, she poured unknown substances into the tube. HOW IS THAT MADE UP?? VIDEO PROOF!!!!!!!!!

  46. #59 I wish it was all sheker. I wish any of it was sheker. The reality is the stuff that nightmares is made of.

    All the shame stays firmly on the “mother”‘s shoulders though. There are no hard feelings here, except to the doctors at Har Hatzofim for letting it go on for so long and letting the boy get so sick.

    I am glad that the boy’s life is being spared and daven that he has a complete recovery. We need Moshiach now.


  48. #52, your wrong just because the reason is different doesn’t mean that we act the same as them, do u really think that R’ Moshe Feinstein would concur to this?! Its bedlam out there and I think teffilos for all parties is more neccessary than lighting garbage cans.

  49. Every time the Israeli Waffen-Yasam, or their Schutzstaffel, engage in violence against Jews under orders of Reichsführer Barkat you should expect to see Yidden defending themselves and their brethren.

  50. as ussual the chareidim are playing right into the hands of thses mamzerim!!!!

    what needs to be done is chareidim should know how to defent themselves and set up watchmen the police wouldnt be able to touch them, instead the chareidim just burn their own trash cans and scream nazis. those mamzeirim are laphing all the way to their zona houses. why cant we just grow up and learn how to use the Jewish fist to people who seek to destroy our nation?????

  51. #59 I wish that it was all sheker or that I had some grudge. The fact is, what they caught on tape I saw with my eyes and reported long before. None of this a surprise.

    The sad thing is, it took the hospitals so long to protect the child. The doctors, head nurse and social worker at Har Hatzofim were all told about what was happening last fall.

    I continue to daven that the boy recovers fully. He needs all of our tefilos.

  52. There is no incriminating video in the context claimed, or otherwise. That is why they refuse to release any. Giving a modicum of credence to an anti-Torah/anti-Jewish zionist media outlet (JPost, etc.) is unwarranted.

  53. #64- your comments are typical of the diminished spiritual state of orthodox judaism today- you separate yourselves from the rest of Jewry and then disparage them. You believe that you’re different and somehow superior in Hashem’s eyes ( keveyachol)
    than secular jews, and this is why they seem inferior to you.

    This is also the reason why chareidim are protesting for this chareidi mother, but would never dream of protesting for a non-chareidi mother. Cant you see how sad that is? They have artificially made themselves distinct from the rest of Jewry (which is the majority. As long as this arrogant attitude exists, and people (on this site) refer to israelis as reshaim, or nazis, or mamzerim, or any other repulsive term, Hashem will turn away from you.

  54. At this point, after 69 comments I think every angel has been spoken about. Still this “CONDONING” and tacit support by the REBBES and Leaders of the EIDE, of unruly wild behavior by people who’re supposed to be the SAMPLE of eidelkeit is unforgivable. Reb Aron Kotler Z”l is quoted as saying vis-a-vis the “Satmarer” wild chevre in his time “Der Satmarer Rebbe is zeier a kliger Yid. Es iz a vinder az er farshteit nisht az de chitzpe vus er lozt zeine buchirim vet noch churef machen Satmar” How PROPHETIC! The outlandish wildness in Jerusalem is no different!!!

  55. Some of the secular accounts smell fishy. The claim the mother was mentally ill, but if so, she would not have been arrested as a criminal, and all her children would have been seized.

    They claim she was a “member” of Neteuri Karta, but it is rare that a Hareidi woman would be an official member of a frum political organization.

    The video could easily be manipulated in the photoshop era, but if she suspected he was being given unjustified chemotherapy, that would explain disconnecting an I.V. tube.

    The press accounts don’t explain why her family and neighbors wouldn’t have objected to abuse, since, realistically, no one has every said that Hareidim don’t stick their nose into their neighbors’ business.

    I’m not saying anyone without first hand knowledge can “know” the facts, but the accounts on the hiloni websites don’t add up.

  56. quote from Askan on a popular frum blog.
    Asken in Jerusalem HAS THE TRUE STORY Says:
    At first when I heard the story of this cruel mother it broke my heart, still I excepted it at face value, it really bothered me how a Jewish mother could be so unkind (to say the least) to her own baby, but being an educated American I decided to take out some of my precious time and investigate the alleged disturbed women story who is part of the radical extreme Neturai Karta group.


    First of all most of us are 100% sure that she is mentally unstable and she intended to abuse or even kill her own child, because we have unfortunately become globule and eager to except Loshon Hora on a Jew, with out thinking twice into what the news is reporting to us. It’s as if they are teaching the Torah directly from Sinai.

    The “true” story I have come up with is, that the doctor who has been treating this child in the hospital miss diagnosed the situation, when she started proving it to him he had no choice but to cove up for his mistake, as soon as she opened her mouth he could not stand her because she was proving him wrong, she knew good and well about the cameras in the room etc. she had told her friends about it, it was no surprise to her, It was a set up by the doctor and staff. In no way shape or form is she part of the Nitura Karta group, its all a bunch of Hug-Wash, the Askonim involved have gone so far as to interview others who have used this particular doctor and some have their own terrible experiences with this doctor, some of them have even been threatened this week by the hospital staff not to dare publicize their stories.



    I hope this will be an eye opener not to believe everything we hear and read until we verify the truth. There is much more that was discovered but I can’t publicize it yet. She has done NOTHING wrong why is she in jail? this too is part of the cover up.

  57. HOW DARE YOU !! Kapos and storm troopers murdered my grandparents, great parents, uncles, aunts, and about 22-25 cousins i will never see.
    ( oh and 6 million others, and the nazis didn’t pay for yeshiva’s – so they didn’t cut payments, they didn’t diagnose or misdiagnose for cancer- they gassed them all, and they wouldn’t have arrested this women, they would have simply thrown the baby in the air, used him for target practice, then put a bullet in the mother’s head.)

    17 – Kapo
    48 -stormtroopers and kapos
    66 -Every time the Israeli Waffen-Yasam, or their Schutzstaffel, engage in violence against Jews under orders of Reichsführer Barkat you should expect to see Yidden defending themselves and their brethren.

  58. Posts like #66 above are pouring gasoline on the fires that are now burning in Jerusalem. For one Jew to use such extreme terms against another Jew is to continue to fan the flames that burned the second Temple.

  59. I heard a testimony from someone who also has a child in the oncology ward in Hadassa Hospital.

    He says that his wife became friendly with this lady during the time that they were in the hospital together. She is an extremely devoted parent. She sits there every day for 2 years already, and wants only what’s best for her child.

    During the past month, the hospital administration became very cautious with them, not allowing her to close the curtain around the child even for a few minutes! They also did not allow her to take the child out of bed. The mother was very broken about this.

    She was not allowed to give the child anything in his mouth not even a drop of water. Now that she is arrested the hospital staff is letting him eat whatever he wants. This man bought him an ice pop, and the nurse gave it to him! Maybe that’s why his condition improved, once they started letting him have food.

    You can hear him speak on Kol Mevaser, for those of you who understand Yiddish. I know who he is, a very reputable man, that nebach has a kid in the hospital with cancer.

    If you read up on this syndrome you will see that it says that the parent will usually be comfortable with the fact that the child is in the hospital, while this mother desperately wanted to take her kid home.

    He is on Chemotherapy for two years already, why doesn’t the article say that?

    #41, what does it mean to drain his stomach from a feeding tube? I don’t think that is possible to do.

  60. #41
    I don’t know who the story,but in Shulchan Urach it says that a non-Jew you can’t believe and an observent Jew you should.
    What more do I need to know the Emes?

  61. #41
    I don’t know who you are, but the original libel was that a video reveiled the mother unpluging the tube.You kind of forgot what the conspirators plotted.
    And by the way, if you are saying the truth. You will never go out of gehinom. To Mussar a Yid is one of the harshest eveiros ( you have to put a Mussar in cheirim. So stop posting comments now.

  62. To CL,

    I don’t believe your “story” for a moment. I’d venture to guess you’re one of the hospital personnel involved in this case, in this mammoth cover-up of a child mistakenly treated with chemotherapy, and are trying desperately to save the hospital’s skin (and probably yours as well).

    Your “frum” references: “I’m davening for the child”; “We need Moshiach” ring false and hollow. It is easy to copy phraseology from “dossim”, and simple enough to google sites that are discussing the case, in order to insert your libel even further.

    Quit your frum references, because if this case is how I think it is, you will burn in Hell forever.

    This is an ill child who has been misdiagnosed and medically mistreated for two years. This incredibly devoted mother is the hospital’s source of fear, for a big, big time lawsuit. You’ve done a good job of “putting this woman away”, to save the many heads that would roll.

    You have no idea how ridiculously non-credible you appear in these threads, pretending to be the star witness to your alleged atrocities.

    May Hashem send a Yeshua speedily to this devoted and selfless mother, and may she be reunited with her family including her ill child soon.

  63. Rabosai, in two weeks it is Tisha B’av. At that time we read Aicha and the Kinos. Think for a minute what it says there, and if you have a brain and a heart that work in tandem you will realize what sinos chinam is. it destroys all in its wake and wreaks utter havoc physically, emotionally, and eventually spiritually. You get consumed by your own fire. NO ONE here knows the story with all the details, and with all due respect CL, neither do you! As an Am Hanivchar, our first inclination should be to judge favorably – not to jump to conclusions like most commentators here did. I understand everyone likes to hear “yenem’s tzuros” and churn the rumors hither and thither. But remember that Lashon Hora and Motze shem ra give you easy entrance to gehinnom. Your actions here determine your status up there – Hashem is an Erech Apayim, but YOU also have to give people the benefit of the doubt and hold by ‘innocent until proven guilty’. And unfortunately the secular Israelis do have a penchant for distorting the truth when it comes to Chareidim, so there’s likelihood that we are being misled with all the media scoops on this. You will not gain anything of condemning this poor woman, regardless of the outcome. Rather you will get the same midda k’neged midda reaction when you are in a difficult spot. You yourself will stand to gain if you are Dan l’kaf zchus – You will judged L’zchus when you are undergoing difficulties. Let’s not allow the Bal Davar to ensnare us in this web of hatred, evil talk and sinas chinam. Moshiach will be able to hurry up if we start clearing the obstacles in his way. PS. I understand some people here took this very personally and vented certain frustrations that were a bit out of sync. Be sure that the father and the whole family of this child are going through excruciating pain and your “opinions, when written so bitingly” aren’t showing any support.* I have to say, Sammy Gol – you seem to have such a fiery opposition to Chassidim that your comments highlight a desperation that’s unhealthy. To write that swaying to zemiros on Shabbos at a tisch -either from drugs or…why do you denigrate expressing warmth to yiddishkeit? It’s a fact that koach Hanegina has the power to draw out the positive emotions in Yidden. The Shaar Hanegina is located next to the Shar Hademaos (gate of tears)…that should tell you something. Anyway, I hope you’ll make some sort of cheshbon and re-direct you passion for better things.
    #74, you write from the Kodesh Rav Yoel Teitelbaum like he would be your colleague. Well, I’m sure it’s not because you’re essentially an insolent person. It’s more a matter of misinformation, you’re not aware of the gadlus of the Divrei Yoel. Every person who entered his little room no matter the religious affiliation – went out with something good for him/her. He could bring an entire beis midrash full of people of all stripes to wholesome tears with his powerful teshuva drashos and true love for Hashem. He wasn’t afraid of anything, but for Hashem. To put it clearly – he was good for us B’ruchniyus and b’gashmius – with his petira we lost a strong representative for our nation. Do some research – you’ll be astounded…and ashamed.

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