PM Netanyahu Pushing for Golan Referendum Law

Well-aware of the White House’s thawing of relations with Damascus, Jerusalem is preparing for the battle to preserve the Golan Heights. As such, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has instructed coalition whip MK Gilad Erdan to move forward towards passing the Golan National Referendum Law.

Elkin on Thursday will convene a special ministerial committee that will resume efforts towards making any hand-over of the Golan to Syria significantly more difficult. Efforts are aimed at enhancing the Golan Law, which demands a Knesset majority of 61 to approve and handover of territory. The enhancement will demand a national referendum to approve such a move. The first reading of the bill was approved in Knesset on July 17, 2008 by a 65-18 vote, but it was then pushed aside by the realities of the early elections.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I suggest a “Jewish Respiration Referendum”. Since there is such an international upsurge of anti-semitism, I think a referendum affirming the right of Jews to breathe should be created immediately, to make any attempts at making us stop breathing more difficult.
    GIVE ME A BREAK! – Is Bibi just obama’s secretary or is he Prime Minister of a sovereign nation?!? We have to have a law passed to make it “significantly more difficult” to hand over an integral and strategic part of Eretz Yisrael to our yishmaeli enemies?!? HaSh-m yirachaym…

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