Improved Service on Modi’in Illit – Netanya Line

Due to the efforts of MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Eliezer Menachem Moses, the 334 bus traveling from Modi’in Illit to Netanya will not make stops in Netanya, making stops in Kiryat Sanz and near Sanz Laniado Hospital.

The SuperBus Company line in the past served passenger traveling to Zichron Yaakov, passing through Netanya but only with one drop-off location. The stop was far from locations sought by residents of Modi’in Illit.

Now, there is a new Zichron Yaakov line and the 334 only serves Modi’in Illit – Netanya. After receiving a growing number of requests, MK Moses went into action, working with officials in the bus company and the Ministry of Transportation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. They should not forget the southeastern area of the city, where the Teimani / Mizrachi chareidi world is located. I personally know some people there, including one who grew up there and now lives in Kiryat Sefer. There is an entire religious neighborhood there, with hundreds of chareidi (and dati) families, led by Rav Moshe ben Moshe. We have been there twice for shabbos; it’s a very nice area with a completely different atmosphere from what I am used to. Very nice for a change.

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