Ariel Decides to Change its Name to Honor Ariel Sharon

sharon.jpgAriel Mayor Ron Nachman has announced plans to ’rename’ his city which in actuality entails changing the explanation of the name Ariel to honor former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who remains in a comatose state since suffering a major stroke in 2006.

Nachman does not see any conflict with his decision, well-aware it was Sharon who masterminded the 2005 Disengagement Plan, but points out that for decades preceding the unfortunate move, Sharon spearheaded the settlement movement and the building of Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza.

The move was prompted by one of the former prime minister’s sons, Gilad, who during a visit to the Shomron community indicated he is seeking a way to honor his father, hence Nachman’s decision, which appears to enjoy the support of Ariel’s residents.

In addition, Ariel will host the Ariel Sharon Center for the Study of Settlement and Leadership.

Nachman concluded in stating that he also views the name change as a major plus, stating “I’d like to see US President Obama try to remove a community named after Ariel Sharon.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. With all due repect to Ron Nachman, Sharon betrayed the settlement movement in the most horrific way and it would be a sick joke to think that Ariel is named for him. Secondly, if he thinks naming for Sharon will protect the town from the fangs of obama and/or clinton, think again! They couldn’t care less. They would have a better chance in that regard if they named it (chas v’chalila) for Martin Luther King Jr.!!!

  2. You don’t know Obama. He will have no problem with a name like Ariel Sharon, he won’t even have a problem removing a settlement with the name Netanyahu.

  3. I think this man is a bit naive. “I’d like to see US President Obama try to remove a community named after Ariel Sharon.”

    And if you named the city “George Washington”? I still don’t believe it would make a difference. Why would American foreign policy be influenced by the name?

    It is a nice sentiment, though, to honor their previous Prime Minister.

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