Settlement Leader Critical of High Court & Gov’t

Settlement Council leader Danny Dayan in  response to the Monday High Court ruling calling for the demolition of 18 homes in two ‘unauthorized outposts’ in Shomron blames the government, and had harsh words for the High Court.

Dayan states that as far as he is concerned, the radical left-wing has found a friend in High Court and therefore, continues to turn to the court against yishuvim. He added there is even a case to remove a number of homes inside N’vei Tzuf, a legal community by any definition, located in the Benjamin Regional Council district of Shomron.

Chorsha and HaYovel were started by a government of Israel Dayan went on to explain, not launched illegally as the media would like us to believe and this is why the situation is so absurd. In the case of Chorsha, Ariel Sharon even flew cabinet ministers over the area to point out the strategic importance of the community, but due to foot-dragging, the government has yet to complete the approval process, ergo classifying the community as an unauthorized outpost. Dayan goes on to explain that instead of issuing the permits to make the community which a government of Israel started, the government instead opts to issue demolition orders.

Dayan accuses the High Court of too light-handedly evicting Jews from their homes while as a matter of policy, it continues turning a blind eye to ongoing illegal construction in the Arab sector. He stressed that the nation’s highest court has become a bastion of support for the radical left, now aware the court stand ready to advance its agenda with the stamp of the nation’s judicial system.

Talks between the settlement council and the prime minister halted after the new government implemented a construction freeze in yishuvim throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Dayan concluded by explaining there is no point is working towards mutual agreement when the government unilaterally places a stranglehold over all communities by halting badly-needed construction.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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