Netanyahu Says No to PA Right of Return

It would appear that PA Chairman Abu Mazen is not ready to run to Beersheva to respond to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s call from the Negev on Sunday to resume talks immediately. Actually, while the prime minister was grabbing media headlines, the PA leader was highlighting his demands, the PA’s unwillingness to relinquish demands for the so-called Palestinian right of return, an Israeli withdrawal to the pre-June 1967 borders and land contiguity throughout Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza, without a trace of any “settlers”.

Speaking during the annual state ceremony marking 105 years since the death of Theodore Herzl, the prime minister called on the PA to abandon demands for the right of return and to recognize Israel as a Jewish state as a precondition to the resumption of talks, stating he is making his appeal to the “moderate Arab leaders”.

Mr. Netanyahu added he yearns for the day when the Arab leaders will tire of the conflict and desire to live alongside Israel in peace and tranquility.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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