Shalit Solidarity Banned from Maccabiah Games

gilad1.jpgIn a pathetic attempt to display sportsmanship and distancing the Israeli-sponsored Maccabiah Games from political involvement, Maccabiah officials have banned athletes from wearing Gilad Shalit solidarity ribbons at the opening ceremony on Monday.

Activists working to obtain Shalit’s release have asked participants in the sporting event from around the world to wear yellow solidarity ribbons, but Maccabiah officials explains they are distancing themselves from politics. Athletes from America and the UK had agreed to wear the ribbons, but event organizers had a different idea.

Maccabiah official explain the yellow ribbon is a political gesture intended to pressure the government into moving ahead with a prisoner exchange deal and therefore it is not acceptable for the international sporting event.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read.

    “Maccabiah official explain the yellow ribbon is a political gesture intended to pressure the government into moving ahead with a prisoner exchange deal”

    Well, we would not want to pressure anyone to move on getting Gilad released. I mean it’s only been about 1,115 days he has been captive of Hamas.

  2. You call the official’s move “pathetic”.
    As sad this situation for all Yidden is, the truth is that any publicity just plays into Hamas’ hands.
    These officials are not unaware of the situation. They just refuse to be “useful idiots”.

  3. This is one of ISRAEL’s media errors. Shalit should and must be part of any discussion/event/meeting that Israel has with the international world. The PM and all MKs should adopt a “Free SHALIT’ stance in all meeting and events.

  4. I know this is a bit off the topic, but aren’t the Maccabiah games the antithesis of what the REAL Maccabeyim stood and fought for? That being said, I pray that Gilad is released soon!

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