High Court Wants Outposts Removed

Israel’ High Court of Justice seems to be more anxious to remove unauthorized outposts than US President Barak Obama. The court on Monday had harsh words for the state, demanding an explanation as to why structures in two such outposts have yet to be removed.

The three justices, Dorit Beinish, Yoram Danziger and Elyakim Rubinstein stated the state in its eviction orders should have set a realistic timetable, but nevertheless has the responsibility to remove the outposts in compliance with the law and the High Court’s decision.

The two outposts in question before the court, the result of a Peace Now petition filed some four years ago, refer to HaYovel near Yishuv Eli in Shomron and Chorsha near Yishuv Talmon, also in the Benjamin Regional Council of Shomron.

The orders to demolish the 18 structures in the two communities have been given and the court expects compliance at this stage, following a number of delays. The court did however concede the situation is difficult and the residents of the homes slated for destruction are entitled to pre-destruction hearings, granting the state an additional four months for this process. At that time, the court expects a progress report and a timetable for the completion of the demolitions or the court is expected to issue an absolute order, compelling he state to act immediately.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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