Local Police Decision Sparks Feud Between Ministers

The cabinet has given its stamp of approval for the plan to localize police, similar to the United States for example, where each city has its own police force. While the cabinet hailed the decision, with the belief it will provide significant improvement in a number of areas, the question remains as to the responsible agency for the new local police, Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovitch or local government.

Shteinitz, who was among those who implemented the plan to reform the Israel Police, believes the local cops should be responsible to answer to the mayor, to City Hall in each city. Aharonovitch believes otherwise, with some accusing him of being overly concerned regarding the loss of budgetary funds that will move to local government if Shteinitz has his way.

Aharonovitch told cabinet ministers at Sunday’s meeting that there is no way that local police will not be accountable to Israel Police. Shteinitz however insists the American model is the way to go, with a city’s police force answering to the mayor of that city. Shteinitz believes this will provide an increased police presence in each city, leading to an increased feeling of security for citizens. The plan places responsibility for the local disturbances, vandalism, disturbing the peace and other ‘crimes’ impacting quality of life in the hands of local police, addressing violations that carry jail sentences of 3 months to 3 years.

Aharonovitch believes local government may outline the job of a local force but responsibility must remain solely in the hands of the national police force. A members of Aharonovitch’s staff adds that at a time when over 20 mayors and heads of local municipalities are being investigated for alleged law-breaking, it would be inappropriate to entrust them to oversee the local police force.

The argument between the two ministers continued until Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu intervened, suggesting that the ministerial committee will address jurisdictional and other issues. He will head the committee which will include Shteinitz and Aharonovitch as well as the ministers of defense, interior, justice and Minister Yossi Peled.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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