NIS 13 Million for Children of Gush Katif Evacuees

The government on Sunday allocated close to NIS 13 million to meet needs of children of families expelled from their Gaza homes in 2005. The funds will be channeled through the Ministry of Education, seeking to assist the children, many of whom still living the trauma of the expulsion, all living the realities of being torn from their homes and communities.

Some of the problems stem from the temporary living arrangements, resulting in children moving from school to school. In some cases, funds are allocated to permit students to travel to their former schools. There are also ‘big brother’ programs and the like, seeking to give personal attention to children exhibiting difficulties in their day-to-day social and school activities.

Doron Ben-Shlomi, who heads the forum of former Gush Katif residents, praised the cabinet’s decision, adding the move indicates the government has an understanding of the hardships endured by the families, much due to the fact that four years after being taken from their homes, they are still compelled to live in temporary quarters.

Ben-Shlomi added that It is essential to continue allocating funds to permit the students to reach the level of their peers until they are settled in permanent communities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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