Brutal Attack Against a Jew Heading to the Kosel

mda1.jpgA Shomron resident in his 30s, an immigrant from Mexico living in Eretz Yisrael five years, was brutally attacked while making his way to the Kosel on erev Shabbos. In the area of the American Consulate, two men came from behind and threw him on the ground, then beating him without mercy, eventually stabbing him with a sharpened wooden object.

The attackers fled the scene leaving the bleeding victim on the ground. The victim later told police that no one stopped to assist him while laying on the ground bleeding from the assault. “I used my last ounce of strength to get up and try to make my way to a hospital” he is quoted as saying by the daily HaMevaser.

The man ended up in Bikur Cholim Hospital where doctors were alarmed by the serious injuries, taking him directly into emergency surgery to stabilize his condition. He is expected to undergo additional surgical procedures in the coming months.

The victim is angry over the blasé police reaction, only sending an investigator to the scene the following day. The victim added that upon his release from the hospital, he will make his way to the Kosel to thank Hashem for saving him.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. You can bet that if it was an arab that was attacked so brutally, the police reaction would have been anything but blase’. This is what years of leftist morons running E”Y has brought us……Hashem Yerachem

  2. Where were the police that are always hanging out in front of the consulate?!?! Another example of why every Jew needs to be armed, in Israel – AND HERE!

  3. To: #6 erbp – very good and nice to be armed with tefila, and that is definitely important, but we are not supposed to be somach on a nais. We are supposed to do our hishtadlut.

  4. 7 – our hishtadlus includes not going to such dangerous areas. Nobody I knows even goes to the US consulate except with a taxi that drops you off right at the door. I haven’t been there myself (I’m not a US citizen), but I know exactly where it is and I know for sure that I will not take a walk around that neighborhood.

    Of course I am not justifying this, CH”V. Jews should be able to walk around the entire city safely and without having to fear – just as Arabs should have (and practically do have!) that right.

  5. Keep on hiring Mexicans in Flatbush and BP.
    It’s just a matter of time.
    Then you’ll all be on here screaming. But now, you’re saving money on labor. Can’t hire a Yid?

  6. #10, Tell me which Yid will shlep boxes in the fruit store or be a bus boy in a resteraunt. Which Yiddene will you hire to wash your floors?

  7. #9 Daniel Breslauer: What ARE you talking about? This is one of the main roads leading from Rechavia, Shaarai Chesed and other neighborhoods down to Shaar Yafo, and the Kotel. This is not (normally) a dangerous area at all. This is a very busy street on erev Shabbat, and if one can’t walk here safely, then no where is safe. There are always police (Israeli, and american) near the consulate. Were they deaf and blind that night? – or just not interested?

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