PHOTOS: Prayer Protest Against Parking Lot Opening On Shabbos

36.jpg.jpgClick HERE to see photos taken last week, when over a thousand people and children attended a prayer gathering in protest of the shabbat desecration invoked by the opening of the Karta parking lot on Shabbos. The event was organized by the Eidah HaCharedis and a police permit was granted for the event.

Credits: Refael Ovadia / Topshot Images

4 Responses

  1. Kol Hakavod for demonstrations that have meaning.

    BTW the gemara gives 10 reasons why the beis hamikdash was destroyed, Shabbos was a reason NOT THE reason.

  2. To #1 looks like you don’t know how to learn pshat in a shtikele gmura it means that each of those reasons was good enough that only cause of that yerushaleyim should become destroyed so these posters the tzon kudashim held is 100% right.

  3. This is the way intended ~ not the hooligans who came afterward and caused such Chillul Shem Shomayim r”l. Hence the expression “Caught between a rock and a hard place!”
    Zoll G-t Rachmonis Hubbin.

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