Rabbinate’s Dahan: No Giyur Was Cancelled

Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, the director-general of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel Courts on Sunday afternoon in a Kol Chai Radio interview today, Sunday, July 12, 2009, insisted that Dayan Rabbi Avraham Sherman has not canceled any of the conversions of Rabbi Chaim Druckman’s Shlita beis din, but has cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of some of them, recommending cases undergo review.

Rav Ben-Dahan rejected reports that indicate the Supreme Rabbinical Court invalidated the giyur of thousands and thousands of giyurim, stating this is simply not the case, but Rav Sherman has recommended review of many cases to ensure the validity of the giyur, not issuing a psak invalidating the Jewishness of the former converts.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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