The body of a 15-year-old Ramat Bet Shemesh youth, who traveled to the Kinneret without his parent’s knowledge, was found on Sunday morning. His body washed ashore after being swept out by the current on motzei shabbos.
Ephraim Nachman Gabbai z”l traveled to Tiveria without informing his parents, having decided to go swimming with friends. He spent shabbos with his rav in Tzfas, his grief-stricken mother explained on Sunday.
The boys went swimming in the old separate swimming area, a place not manned with lifeguards. Later in the night they called for help, after Ephraim disappeared. The search began, ending early Sunday morning when the body washed ashore.
Since the start of this year’s swim season, there have been 19 fatal drowning. Also over the weekend, a 50-year-old woman died in a drowning incident in a pool Afikim in the Jordan Valley. Police have launched an investigation to determine if there was negligence on the part of pool operators.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
2 Responses
Oy Meh Hoyoh Lonu!
another Korban….
when will we learn?