Another Shabbos of Protests & Clashes in Yerushalayim

hafganah3.jpgStormy protests took place in Meah Shearim on shabbos afternoon as residents tried circumventing police barricades intended to prevent them from reaching the Carta parking lot area. Protestors ignored the call of Eida Chareidis rabbonim and began pelting police with rocks.

Dozens apparently made their way to the parking lot where they confronted police. One man, who was lying in front of a bus was taken into custody.

In the meantime, in the Shmuel HaNavi area of the city on shabbos morning, a fight erupted between chareidim and secularists. Two chareidim was injured as a result of knife wounds and the third was beaten. They were transported to an area hospital. The attackers fled the scene.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. Why isn’t that terror attack at Tzomet Bar Ilan labeled as such and why is it only receiving coverage in the last lines?

    That the secular press only give it one single line of mentioning, ok, we don’t expect anything else. But I would expect YWN to take this matter a bit more seriously! By now more must be known about what happened there on shabbos morning. I definitely want to know.

  2. That holy yid who lay down in front of the bus has got himself one big schar in shamayim. With his shtreimel!

  3. I was in yerushalyim this shabbos. I think these hafganahs are way smaller then people are led to believe. Its just a few blocs and maximum a few hundred people. Any sane person you speak to is against the violence.

    Just pointing that out, its not like “yerushalyim is on fire”

  4. when we fight with ourselves our enemies start to fight us. WAKE UP AM YISRAEL, we are nearing the end.

    My wife and I thought – better than this kind of protest, go to the lot, on Shabbat, with lots of Sephardic and Ashkenazic Shabbat food, set up a table and make kiddush with them.

    One mitzvah at a time and soon enough they, too, will be happily Davuk to The King, King of Kings.

    Love my family, Love is the answer

  5. When you here that people didn’t listen to the eida charaidis and they were pelting police with rocks,then you can’t feel bad when you here people were arrested and when you see crazy pictures of police grabbing people with strymols on their heads!!

  6. Now that the IDF used their stink bomb on the Arabs with great effect, they may decide to use it on the chareidim.

  7. So they are such kana’im for Shabbos, that they ignore the Rabanim and violently protest. Such tzdikim! What nachas the Rebonon Shel Olom must get from that.

  8. So interesting – Jerusalem Post posted the same “news item” but deliberately obscured who got knifed/beaten up and who did the knifing/beating up. Depending on your mindset, you can read the article on their website either way.

  9. We need to do something about the crowd of kids and teenagers who gather on Bar Ilan Shmuel Hanave Shabbos Afternoon. I passed by this Shabbos because that is the only way I can leave the neighborhood of Sanhadria and kids were pelting cars with stones and one came within a few inches of my baby’s carriage.

    I suggest we hire a few bullies to scare them off and show them that residents of the area want them out and away. These kids(most)are just not the type to be attracted to a Tehillim group or s/t of the sort.

    Any other suggestions?

  10. Thank Mr.Mayor which you have caused. You with your brilliant mind decided it was necessary to open a parking lot. I am against the rock throwing
    first it is ossur to do and second it mechalel Shabbos which I believe the rock throwers really don’t care about at all. The bigger problem is the kniffing which somebody can get killed.
    This your honor the Mayor is on YOUR HEAD

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