No Progress in Shalit Talks

Israel and Hamas continue to exchange accusations regarding the dead-ended talks towards signing a prison release agreement which would result in the release of Gilad Shalit.

Israeli officials are indicating that talks will resume shortly, with senior Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad still involved, indicating there may be some progress in the imminent future.

Hamas continues to insist that the list of name submitted to Israel for release is final and there will be no changes made while Israel is blaming Hamas for the delay, explaining 125 names were rejected and Israel continues to wait for Hamas’ alternate list.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the main mediator between Hamas and Israel, continues to release mixed messages to the media, blaming Israel for delays on the one hand, but indicating Shalit’s release may be soon on the other. In an exclusive Yediot Achronot shabbos interview, Mubarak is quoted as blaming former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for canceling a deal for Shalit’s release at the last minute.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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