Eida Calls for Peaceful Protest

hafganah2.jpgEida Chareidis leaders are calling on the tzibur to refrain from violence in protests against chilul shabbos. Police on erev shabbos are once again preparing for another shabbos of protests against Jerusalem City Hall’s decision to operating a shabbos parking lot to accommodate drivers visiting the capital on shabbos.

Jerusalem police officials announce they will be setting up roadblocks in the Meah Shearim area intended to prevent protestors from reaching the Carta parking lot area.

Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) announced on Friday morning that Meah Shearim protestors are planning to march to the Carta facility on erev shabbos during the afternoon hours. The Eida has urged all protestors to refrain from acts of violence and any confrontation with police.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. how much chillul shaboss are they causing the police and security personel to do? is one chillul shaboss worse than another?

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