Remembering the Second Lebanon War

iaf21.jpgThe nation this week remembered the Second Lebanon War and the costly toll it took on the nation, primarily areas in the north. State ceremonies were held and senior politicians and military commanders spoke of the heroism, military blunders and the impact the war had on the nation.

The Second Lebanon War which took place in the summer of 2006 lasted for 34 days. During that time period 119 soldiers were killed along with 44 civilians. 4,304 people were injured. Some 4,000 rockets were fired into northern Israel from Lebanon.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Among the Kedoshim that lost their lives let us NEVER forget (Rav Seren) Roi Klein Ztzvk”l who in an act of incredible heroism and ultimate mesirat nefesh cried out with great intensity SHEMA YISRAEL… and threw himself on a live grenade to save his chaveirim. To know that one’s life is about to end in one moment and to have a neshama so holy as to be able to make that decision in the blink of an eye is too amazing for any of us to ever forget. Yehei Zechro Baruch!!!

  2. The war started in a failed rescue attempt to save captured Israeli soldiers Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. They were nebach killed by hizbullah terrorist, and then there bodies exchanged for terrorist.
    Please continue to daven for the 7 Israeli soldiers still captured and missing.
    Staff Sgt. Zecharya Shlomo Ben Sarah Baumel,
    Staff Sgt. Zvi Ben Penina Feldman
    Sgt. Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman Ben Sarah Katz, These 3 are missing since June 11, 1982, in a battle at Sultan Yakoub, in Lebanon.
    Major Ron Ben Batya Arad, who was captured on October 16, 1986, after his aircraft was shot down near Sidon, Lebanon. Arad was initially held by Amal (a Shi鈥檌te terrorist organization); however his subsequent fate is still unknown.
    Guy Ben Rina Hever, last seen at his army base on the southern Golan Heights on August 17, 1997.
    Majdy Halabi, last seen at a hitchhiking stop in Dalyat El Karmel on May 24, 2005.
    Cpl. Gilad Ben Aviva Shalit was abducted by terrorists on June 25, 2006 in the course of an infiltration and attack by terrorists in the area of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom.

  3. Let us also not forget the “leaders” of the “government”, especially Ehud Olmert who in the heat of the summer sent Jewish boys into battle with inadequate supplies, without enough food or water or ammunition, and endangered our boys further by worrying more about the safety of enemy “civilians” than the safety of Jewish soldiers!

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