Thursday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

The IDF on Thursday confiscated a tractor that was involved in building an unauthorized outpost, the community of Kedah near Shilo, in the Benjamin Regional Council district of Shomron.

**8 people were injured in a head-on vehicular collision near Yarcha Jct. on Wednesday night, one listed in serious condition and two moderate. They were transported to Nahariya Hospital.

**IDF officials on Wednesday night reported 140 soldiers have been diagnosed with swine flu. Baruch Hashem none of the cases were serious.

**17 Charuv soldiers who abandoned a post in Shomron near Bet El agreed to return to their base on Wednesday night following discussions with their commander. They expressed remorse and an understanding for the severity of their actions. They will be tried by the division commander, an officer of the rank of brigadier-general.

**IDF soldiers Involved in counter-terror operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron on Wednesday night made three arrests.

**Thousands attended a Wednesday afternoon Jerusalem rally decrying the chilul shabbos surrounding the operation of a parking lot.

**6 people on trial in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, report that a plot to blow up the Israeli embassy in Baku was backed by Hizbullah, Iran and al-Qaeda.

**An unarmed Lebanese national was taken into custody after crossing the border into Israel on Wednesday night.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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