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Bathroom Bill Passes Preliminary Reading in Knesset

A bill co-sponsored by MKs Shelly Yacimovich (Labor), Shlomo Molla (Kadima), and Yitzchak Vaknin (Shas) passed its preliminary reading in Knesset on Wednesday. The bill, which one might believe addresses what should have been a basic right of workers for many years, calls to ensure an employer provides a sanitary bathroom for employees in addition to permitting workers to use these facilities as required during working hours.

The legislators explain they are compelled by the sad reality that there are a growing number of workplaces that lack an acceptable bathroom and in many cases, workers do not have an acceptable facility to tend to their bodily functions during work hours.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. At IDT in Jerusalem, last year, all employees were informed that bathroom breaks should be deducted from their break time. After everyone complained, the decision was cancelled.

  2. For this the Israelis need a statute?

    I doubt there is a halachic “take” on this “issue” since Jewish law assumes most people or at least mildly sane and and a little bit logical.

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