IAF Flights Will Not Enter Saudi Skies

iaf2.jpgOfficials in the Prime Minister’s Office deny a London Times report that fighter jets making their way to Iran would be permitted to enter Saudi airspace, with the Saudis willing to turn a blind eye to permit Israel to target Iranian nuclear facilities. The statement states the Times report lacks any basis in truth.

The report states that Mossad Director Meir Dagan has been holding secret talks despite Israel not maintaining diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia towards permitting Israel to neutralize the threat to the region. Moderate nations including Saudi Arabia share Israel’s concerns regarding Iran achieving nuclear independence and therefore, the Saudis are reportedly to take the step. The report adds that they will of course condemn Israel in the UN or any other international forum.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Normally, countries do not discuss such things until many years (or decades, the Brits still have things classified from World War I)after the fact. Any attempt at reporting such arrangements is highly unlikely to be reliable.

  2. it was obvious this was not true. no country especially those who are supposed to be friends with the attackees would admit to allowing flyovers for military purposes.

  3. The Saudis are sniveling opportunists to the umpth degree, to say the least. Permission or no permission, Israel should fly over and drop a few on the way to Iran.

  4. I don’t kinow about what is the historical precedent of reporting these things or not but it still got a lot of coverage in the media.

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