Noam Shalit Continues Meeting with MKs

Mr. Noam Shalit, father of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, is continuing meetings with MKs, now making the rounds among opposition parties. He called on the members of the opposition to support efforts by the coalition towards obtaining the release of his son.
On Monday he met with members of the Ra’am-Ta’al party, as well as Ichud HaLeumi, an outspoken opponent of prisoner release deals.

When meeting with Kadima officials, he heard criticism against the former administration of Ehud Olmert from Shaul Mofaz, who served under Olmert as minister of transportation. Mofaz stated there is no doubt that the previous government could have done more to arrange for Gilad’s release. He stated “the difficult decisions could have been made” but they were not, and as a result, Gilad remains in Hamas’ hands.

Mofaz reminded Mr. Shalit however of the cases in which Israel paid a high price for the return of “our sons” as well as the cases in which the price was not paid and the sons are remembered. He stated “this is the dilemma”.

Following the meetings with the opposition lawmakers, the Shalits expressed their hope that there is a consensus in Knesset towards working together to obtain their son’s release.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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