French President Calls to Oust FM Lieberman

lieb1.jpgFrench President Nicolas Sarkozy has called for the removal of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in a blatant move, probing deep into Israel’s internal political arena.

According to a Channel 2 News report on Monday night, the meeting in Paris last week between Sarkozy and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was not a cordial as the Prime Minister’s Office wishes us to believe.

Channel 2 reported the French president told the prime minister that Lieberman most be removed from his post due to his extremist views, suggesting that he replace him with former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, today the opposition leader.

Drawing an extreme example, Sarkozy reportedly added that even Jean-Marie Le Pen is a nice person when one meets him.

Tzachi Moshe, media advisor to Minister Lieberman, stated if the statements attributed to the French leader are correct, then his statements represent blatant interference in Israel’s internal affairs and his words are “grave and serious”. Moshe called for an across the board condemnation of the president’s interference in internal affairs, expecting a response from all political parties regardless of affiliation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Will Netanyahu show pride, determination and faith? or will he show spineless, cowering and lack of yiras shomayim? stay tuned. The French president has way overstepped his bounds, taking his lead from the American President. Remember the words used by the French Ambassador regarding Israel (which cannot be repeated here) for which there was never an appology from the French or a recall.

  2. All Bibi has to do is say NO and the frenchies will run for cover. Everyone knows the corkscrew for wine bottles were made by the french yopu could tell because the sides pop up like it’s surrendering

  3. They are playing follow the leader. The Saudis tell Obama waht to say, Obama Tells Bib what to do, now the Frenchie also tells Bibi what todo. Mabe Bibi should tell them all where to go!

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