Bibi Attends Sheva Brachos for Rav Ovadia’s Granddaughter

ovadia22.jpgPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and many members of the cabinet were present on Sunday night, attending sheva brachos for a granddaughter of Chacham Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita.

The kalah, Margalit, named after Rav Ovadia’s first wife, was married to Yaakov Sinai. The sheva brachos was held in a Givat Shaul hall. Other ministers in attendance were Ehud Barak, Silvan Shalom, Eli Yishai, Moshe Ya’alon, Ariel Atias, Yitzchak Herzog, Gideon Saar, Yisrael Katz, Yaakov Margi and Meshulam Nahari.

The prime minster received a warm bracha from Rav Ovadia. The Rav’s daughter-in-law escorted Mrs. Sara Netanyahu to the Rav, in a most unusual move, to receive a personal bracha upon the Rav’s request. She was blessed with “health, satisfaction, success and happiness”.

The prime minister was accompanied by his wife, who waited for him in the women’s section along with the wives of other ministers.

Also present was former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who was received warmly by the prime minister and his cabinet ministers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Very good. It’s very positive for secular people to experience some Yiddishkeit now and then. Perhaps seeing the simcha of a sheva brochos will have a positive impact on them!

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