Ichud HaLeumi MKs Visit Betar Illit

Members of the Ichud HaLeumi opposition party on Sunday visited Betar Illit. Taking part in the tour were party leader Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), Uri Ariel and Dr. Michael Ben-Ari. Accompanying them were senior Betar official Yehuda Gerlitz and Councilman Yehuda Holtzman, a Chabad representative.

Ketzaleh commented, “The decree of Netanyahu and Barak is more severe than the decree of Pharaoh and it will not help Barak Hussein Obama or Ehud Barak. Hundreds of thousands will come to Betar which will continue to grow and he who freezes [construction in] Betar will become bad and bitter. Netanyahu must understand that on this matter, there will be no compromise.

Gerlitz thanked Ketzaleh and his colleagues, asking that they continue to apply pressure towards renewed construction in the community anyway they can.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. whilst I think that we should continue to spread out all aross Eretz Yisroel, I find the comparison between BB and Pharoh somewhat extreme.

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