Retired Police Commander Levy: ‘Someone Fell Asleep on His Watch’

mishtn.jpgFormer Jerusalem police commander Mickey Levy, now retired from the department, did not refrain from releasing criticism regarding the stormy shabbos protests in the capital. He stated “someone fell asleep on their watch and did not assess the situation properly”.

Levy told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that the chareidim are members of the city coalition, adding the municipal parking lot has been closed for the past 15 years, so why open it now. He points out that the municipal lot is not situated that close to the Old City, and opening the lot after 15 years of non-operation represents a serious violation of the city’s religious status quo.

Levy believed if they would have opened Carta in the beginning, not mentioning the city’s municipal lot, it would have passed quietly, but this is not the case. He stated operating the municipal lot is a major error and the solution will only be reached through meetings and dialogue with the parties involved.

Levy insists that if there was a proper dialogue in advance and officials gathered intelligence information as required, the decision would have been made not to operate the parking lot.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. imagine going into manhatan and protesting open parking lots on shabbos they would arrest the protesters and rightfully so – just because as yidden we know that youre not allowed to drive on shabbos doesnt give us the right to interfere with the lifestyle of the secular israeli

  2. With more people like Zionflag knocking,
    there will be less people like Levy, willing to be upfront and forthright.
    Can’t you let someone say something good without criticizing, and showing you are better?

  3. Mr zionflag, what good would it have been if Levy would have shared a month ago?
    you are dealing with a Mayor that doesn’t have sechel!

  4. I don’t get it. Would a free municpal lot, run by Arabs so there is no Chilul shabbos better than a private lot, run by Jews? Sometimes it seems that during the hot summer with no airconditioning, the Chareidim need a little entertainment, so why not find something to riot about

  5. daasbaalhabayis, it’s nice to know that you are going against the Gavad of Yerushalayim, the Ravad of Yerushalayim, and the Posek Hador Maran R’ Elyashiv.
    Your screen name and comments lends tons of credence are in line with the famous adage of the rishonim (as if they need credence) that daas ba’al habatim is the opposite of da’as Torah.

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