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Shabbos Detainees want Tefillin

Some of the shabbos protestors in custody are complaining against police for their unwillingness to accommodate basic religious needs, including wine to make havdalah after shabbos and tefillin.

Jerusalem police report the lock-up facility is not under their jurisdiction, but under the Israel Prison Authority, which has yet to respond to the report.

About 15 protestors were released on Sunday while dozens were arraigned in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. “…unwillingness to accommodate basic religious needs, including wine to make havdalah after shabbos and tefillin”

    These people were unwilling to follow the law and protest peacefully. Some people think lock up is similar to being put in the corner by a preschool teacher. Grow up and realize that there are consequences for the chillul hashem you cause. I didnt read anywhere about any of the Rabonim or Gedolim who were protesting being jailed…

  2. To comment #1, you obviously have no idea how these protests and arrests work. People can be arrested for not even being involved.

  3. to #2 a chacham whoaynav brosho knows to stay far away from any hafgana. I was very disturbed to see pictuers of women protesting, they should be no where near the hafgana.

  4. whether they need to be locked up is 1 story but come on even in the us or uk inmates are intitled to basic religious needs does esav need to teach us a LESSON!

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