Golani Soldiers Say Thanks to HaKadosh Baruch Hu

idfn1.jpgMembers of the Golani Brigade’s 51s Battalion last week came to the Kosel to thank Hashem for the miracles seen in Operation Cast Lead. They point out that 20 soldiers were injured but there were no fatalities, realizing the chessed comes from HaKadosh Baruch Hu and no other place.

Their commander brought them to the Kosel to enable them to offer thanks to Hashem and to be mispalel that they will enjoy the same siyata d’shmaiya in their next assignment as they take leave of Gaza, replaced by the Nachal Brigade.

Many members of the unit are frum or from traditional homes.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Brave children; Hashem should watch over them.

    Eileh ba’rechev v’eileh ba’susim, va’anachnu b’Shaim Hashem Elokeinu nazkir!!

  2. #5 can you explain what you wrote. Isnt #3 responding to #2… Do all bloggers understand the vernacular language of English?

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