7:00AM IL Update: 57 Arrested In Yerushalayim Hafganos

ywnisrael.jpgAccording to police on Sunday morning, a total of 57 people were arrested in Shabbos and motzei shabbos violence. Ten of the arrests were made in Bayit Vegan as protestors set garbage receptacles ablaze.

Police report a total of five officers were injured, one requiring transportation to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

It should be pointed out that the Eida Chareidis called for the mass kabbalas shabbos on Bar Ilan Street, not for the violence that was seen on motzei shabbos which led to injuries, damage and arrests. In Meah Shearim, vehicles with loudspeakers made the rounds, calling on protestors to clear the streets, without success. Baruch Hashem protestors in Bayit Vegan adhered to the call of rabbonim and they did disperse, preventing the situation from escalating to the level of violence seen in Meah Shearim.

On the political level, there is already a buzz calling for a break from the city coalition, with chareidi elected officials accusing Mayor Nir Barkat of ignoring their pleas, ignoring the significant of the chilul shabbos, and breaking the long-stranding religious status quo. Councilman (Shas) Rav Shmuel Yitzchaki said that the mayor should take a lesson from Jerusalem’s former mayor, Teddy Kollek, who despite his secular ways did respect the religious community of the capital, something the mayor has failed to do early into his first term.

Labor MK Ofir Pines accuses the chareidim of “crossed the line” of acceptable behavior, calling for a special Knesset session to discuss the weekend violence. “There is no damage in opening the Carta parking lot on shabbos other than launching a cultural war and turning Jerusalem into Tehran. I am calling on the prime minister and public security minister not to remain silent. The cabinet must back the mayor, to show him support against this violence today and now before they pay too high a price”.

City Hall released a statement that the opening of the Carta lot on Shabbos is an ideal solution, permitting the city municipal lot to remain close while answering the needs of police and the many buses and private vehicles visiting the capital on Shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Israel considered a democracy? How do the police get away with such behaviour? My son was on his way back from taking money out of a cash machine on Motzoei Shabbos, when police pushed him into a van – nowhere near the demonstration! From the van he saw Bochurim being led out of Yeshiva Kol Torah in their PJ’s after having been dragged out of bed, on trumped up charges of throwing stones at the police! All were released at about 2pm Israeli time on Sunday without charge! What a farce!

  2. To #4, Baloney story? Fact! It happened. You can believe whatever you want, but I have this first hand from my son.

  3. kigelfresser: everyone knows that if you want to stay out of trouble then you stay away from the hafgonos.you are there at your own risk. dont blame the cops, those are violent riots, what are they suposed to do? try that in boro park, and youll get a taste of real american “democracy”!

  4. #3: Thanks for sharing.

    What I mean is, that your son’s experiance at the hands of the zionists, is a living example of the violence brought by zionism.

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