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Court Rules Against N’vei Yaakov Shul on Wheels

The Jerusalem District Court did not display sympathy for the mispalalim of a shul located in a caravan that rests on wheels to circumvent zoning laws. The shul is located in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of N’vei Yaakov, and it has been the focus of ongoing legal battles from residents for and against its presence.

The court stated the mispalalim did not act in good faith in reference to the shul on wheels, a move that in essence enabled the mispalalim to daven in the area as they wish while circumventing city law. The city however remained tenacious in its desire to remove the structure, and the shul on wheels did not deter city inspectors from pursuing their goal. The city issued an eviction order for the shul on wheels, prompting mispalalim to turn to the court, seeking a restraining order. The court complied, receiving a one-month stay until the recent hearing.

The court canceled the restraining order and ordered the mispalalim to pay the city’s legal expenses of NIS 4,000. The city maintains the area is a city lot and it is not designated for a shul and therefore, it must be moved. Resident vow to continue their legal battle, undeterred by the setback.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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