Chareidim Opposed to Cellular Antennas in their Neighborhoods

ywtext2.jpgChareidim are taking a proactive approach to halt the placement of cellular antennas on rooftops of densely populated chareidi areas of Yerushalayim. A meeting was held recently during which it was pointed out that in too many neighborhoods, antennas were placed without obtaining proper permission from residents and without permitting the required time to file protests.

The opponents base their objections on reports that warn against the harmful electromagnetic emissions from the antennas, adding that unfortunately, there are enough documented cases of illness which they feel are a direct result of the exposure to the emissions.

Those persons spearheading the effort report they have recently received a passionate request for assistance from residents of Ramot Daled and they are also addressing antennas in the area of Shefa Mehadrin Mall, near Kiryat Belz.

Meetings of the Vaad for Jerusalem and its Residents, Rav Chaim Miller, Minister of Environmental Affairs Gilad Erdan, as well as with experts in the environmental protection field are scheduled.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. An antenna on top of yourmhouse is a cancer-causing death sentence. I hope they get them off their rooftops.

  2. I don’t understand the opposition of the chareidim to the antennas eventhough I am chareidi myself. Don’t they use cellphones too? I hope someone explains it to me without a condenscending tone.

  3. The fact is there are harmful emissions known to come from these things. The fact that corporate America has not buried all of the information tells us they are even more dangerous than they let on.

    Every reduction of danger to the environment helps and can save a life. This includes harddrives, microwaves, copy machines, fax machines, lightbulbs, routine dental X-rays…etc etc. Because you dont personally see it, dont ignore that their emissions CAN be scientifically measured, and it is known they are not healthy to expose to living cells.

    With modern medicine and medical technology developments that can boggle the mind, sadly, the amount of tragic disease, nebach, is through the roof.

  4. #5 veryinteresting

    “The fact that corporate America has not buried all of the information tells us they are even more dangerous than they let on.”
    That’s the most paranoid thing I ever heard. So if there were no studies out there, you would feel safe – but the fact that there are studies as to the detrimental effects, that means that the studies are lies and the truth is worse? You lost me on this one.

    “Every reduction of danger to the environment helps and can save a life. This includes harddrives, microwaves, copy machines, fax machines, lightbulbs, routine dental X-rays…etc etc”
    Please don’t lump microwaves and X-Rays with light bulbs and hard drives. There have been and continue to be ongoing studies as to what radiation levels are harmful to humans, and the former two are not in the group. Unless you have evidence that a 60W incandescent gives off harmful radiation, you are just inciting fear based on misinformation.

    BTW, I agree with you on microwaves and X-Rays…these undoubtedly have negative impact on humans and should be limited whenever possible.

    “sadly, the amount of tragic disease, nebach, is through the roof”
    What do you mean? There are fewer people dying from disease today than any other time in history.

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