Right-Wingers Want to March in Arab Municipalities

Right-wing activists plan to submit a number of petitions to the High Court of Justice, seeking to hold marches in a number of Arab municipalities, in the Nachal I’ron (Wadi Ara) area, Taibeh, Nazareth, Abu Isa, Baka Gharbiya and Sachknin to name a few.

The petitioners plan to tell the High Court that if the to’eva parade is permitted in the heart of Yerushalayim, the Jewish capital, despite the pain the event brings to a majority of the city, there is no reason that Jews should not be permitted to march in Israeli Arab municipalities.

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari stated that since High Court Justice Ayala Procaccia spoke of encouraging such events in response to the to’eva parade, he said the same liberal hand should be exhibited to Jews seeking to march in areas of Eretz Yisrael.

Ben-Ari stated this is basic right in a democratic society, emphasizing it is not intended as a provocation, but to make the point vis-à-vis the to’eva parade.

Ben-Ari stated that walking with an Israeli flag should not be viewed a provocative in Eretz Yisrael, and Justice Procaccia should encourage such events not frown upon them.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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