Gilad on Hamas, Iran and Shalit

Amos Gilad, a senior Defense Ministry official, accompanied Defense Minister Ehud Barak to Egypt on Sunday for talks with President Hosni Mubarak. Gilad has been deeply involved on many fronts, including talks to obtain Shalit’s release.

When asked by Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai on Monday morning is there is any progress regarding Shalit’s release, he stated that regarding the captive soldier, there are two possibilities, captive or released, rejecting talks of “progress” since he feels the yardstick is the soldier’s release, nothing else. He declined to comment on efforts to obtain Shalit’s release, as did Defense Minister Barak following their return on Sunday, explaining comments to the media will not serve to help their cause.

Regarding Iran, Gilad stated the Arab community is also deeply concerned with Tehran’s nuclear program, which poses a threat to the entire region and the world. He added the unity in the region against Iran may be unprecedented, stressing repeatedly that neighboring Arab nations remain opposed to a nuclear independent Iran.

Hamas he stated exhibits a modicum of flexibility, but in actuality adds Gilad, the terror organization is working in earnest towards actualizing its goal, to take over the PA (Palestinian Authority) in areas of Yehuda and Shomron to create a “Hamastan” that extends from Gaza. This he added could pose an existential threat to Israel and is cause for concern. He stated Hamas has one agenda and it is not about to change its face and recognize Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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