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Cohen Secures NIS 12 Million for Yeshivas

yeshiva1.jpgDeputy Finance Minister (Shas) Yitzchak Cohen secured an impressive NIS 12 million for yeshivas. He explained the situation is extremely difficult and he is already working on funds for next month.

The 2009-2010 biennial budget has not yet been passed and the situation for mosdos torah is becoming increasingly difficult, with the realization that as things stand now, yeshivas must appeal to treasury for officials for funds every month, compelled to beg for bread and basic sustenance.

As the budget is not yet passed, the budget for mosdos stands at NIS 30 million, a far cry from the allocation in the state budget of NIS 64 million. NIS 50 million was deposited in the yeshiva coffers last month, and Cohen has succeeded in adding NIS 12 million to that amount. Deputy Minister Cohen explains that the additional funds that he secured at least covers the mosdos for last month, and now, he is already working on the next payment.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. We’re talking small change; 62 million Sheqalim, about 15 million dollars for all the Yeshivas is a drop in the ocean, ah spei in der yam hagodol.

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