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Nachal Brigade Taking Over Gaza Responsibilities

The IDF’s Nachal Brigade will be moving into the Gaza district replacing Golani Brigade soldiers whom have been successful in their border duties over recent months. Nachal soldiers usually are stationed in Yosh areas, but they are now being brought down to Gaza, the first time in about six years.

Golani is viewed as having done an exemplary job, having also taken part in Operation Cast Lead.

Nachal soldiers have been undergoing training exercises to prepare them for the Gaza area and its complexities. The training includes preparing them to enter Gaza should the security situation deteriorate and demand such a response. To date, Nachal soldiers have been in Yehuda and Shomron, proving themselves in various situations, but it has been sometime since they were stationed in a ‘hot area’ like Gaza.

Netzach Yehuda (Nachal Chareidi) soldiers have over recent years earned the respect of their peers, primarily operating at checkpoints in the Jordan Valley area, targeted in numerous cases by terrorists, responding appropriately.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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