Abu Mazen: All Settlements are Illegal

In an interview conducted with Kuwaiti media in Jordan a number of days ago, with details just being released, PA leader Abu Mazen stated “all settlements are illegal, without exception”.

He stated with confidence that once the State of Palestine is established, not a single “settler” will remain within its boundaries, explaining this will be accomplished the same way all the settlers were removed from Yamit, Gaza and the Jenin area, referring to Northern Shomron communities removed in Ariel Sharon’s 2005 Disengagement Plan. He stressed that the Palestinians will not given in on a millimeter of land, not in Jerusalem and not “in any Palestinian city”.

The destruction to infrastructure and the deaths in the Intifadas he stated have brought his people to a new realization, that the resistance may not be in the form of military opposition, but progress will be achieved by peaceful opposition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. dream on abu momzer dream on, you,the kenyan illegal alien in the veiss hoyz, the peanut farmer and Shrillary Rotten Clinton. As the yishmaelim love to say Allah Akbar Hashem is great(BTW, the Rambam used the term Allah for Hashem in his writings)
    Chazal tell us that when Moshiach comes the yishmaelim will run away from Eretz Yisroel with such a fear

  2. Did he say anything about settlements founded prior to 1947, such as Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem? The Israelis would be well advised to gain recognition for the 1949-1967 borders, which neither the Arabs nor the major powers (including the USA) hold to be “de jure” borders.

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