Israel Opens the Doors to the Dead Sea and Jordan Valley Areas

The removal of the Vered Yericho Checkpoint on Wednesday has widespread security ramifications, but Defense Minister Ehud Barak is confident his decision will not in any way compromise the security of Israelis in the area.

In essence, the new reality today, Thursday, is one in which residents of PA-occupied Yericho may travel freely, by vehicle or foot, to the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea areas. This is alarming to many, especially following the March 2009 fatal terror attack in the Jordan Valley, with authorities theorizing the terrorists made an easy getaway to nearby Shechem, this made possible by the earlier removal of other area military checkpoints.

The latest move joins a total of 140 checkpoints removed over the past year, as per directives from Barak, who appears determined to appease the White House, which demands relaxing security restrictions on residents of PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. It will r”l take the shedding of Jewish blood for the fools in the government to restore these checkpoints. Maybe after a few Jews have been killed by the yishmaeli savages, His Excellency Barak HUSSEIN obama will allow us that luxury.

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