Katzeleh: ‘Netanyahu is a Rasha’

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Yaakov Katz, know as Katzeleh, had harsh words for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during a Monday night Kol Chai Radio interview, calling the prime minister a rasha.

Katzeleh has spent his adult life building Eretz Yisrael and mosdos torah, with an emphasis in Yehuda and Shomron. He was a long-time close aide to Ariel Sharon, and maintains good relations with many admorim and rabbonim in the chareidi world in addition to his activities in Yehuda and Shomron.

Asked to comment on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Bar Ilan address, Katz called Netanyahu  a gifted orator, an intelligent individual, a seasoned politician and a man who is an “empty vessel void of any ideology”. He called the prime minister a rasha a number of times, adding he and his colleagues are davening for him to once again be ousted from office, as quickly as possible.

Regarding construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron, Katzeleh explained that Netanyahu is the only prime minister to totally ban construction, explaining during the previous Olmert administration, there was construction, as in other administrations.

Katz explained that this is not a matter of ideology, but there is a critical need for housing in the chareidi and dati leumi communities, explaining on yishuvim, Baruch Hashem many couples are getting married as is the case in the chareidi world, yet they have no where to live. Nevertheless explained Katzeleh, the prime minister is a rasha, turning his back on this most pressing issue, unwilling to concern himself with the need to build in yishuvim and communities like Betar Illit, Kiryat Sefer and other areas offering affordable housing options for chareidim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Ever since the Gush Katif expulsion I have maintained that no matter how “right-wing” any politician may be thought of as being (like Sharon) when the pressure is on (ala obama or his predecessors) they will always fold unless they are TRUE, STRONG Y’rai Shamayim. Although I tend to agree with Katzele (the man is a tzadik)- I thought Netanyahu had only banned NEW “outposts”, but had said he WOULD build up existing towns (like Betar Ilit) to allow for “natural growth”, i.e. growing families, etc. Does anyone know if I am incorrect about that?

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