Netanyahu Satisfies Everyone

bibi111.jpgPerhaps no less important that placating the White House with his Bar Ilan address, temporarily putting out the fire resulting in strained relations between Jerusalem and Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday night not only exhibited tact and political savvy, but he omitted just the right words to keep his coalition partners satisfied, thereby averting a coalition crisis at home.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman of the Yisrael Beteinu Party stated the prime minister opened the door to peace with Israel’s neighbors while stressing the right of the Jewish People to live in Israel, the historical homeland.

Labor Party leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak used words like “courage and discretion” to describe the prime minister’s remarks while Shas Party leader Interior Minister Eli Yishai was also pleased.

President Shimon Peres was quick to release a statement, confident the prime minister’s address will boost Israel’s status in the international political arena. The White House was pleased, saving face, now permitted to boast the hard-line Israeli leader came around, calling the address an “important step”.

Opposition leader Tzipi Livni stated Netanyahu was headed in the right direction and Settlement Council officials were pleased with a high level of Zionism exhibited in the address.

In the PA and among those who have been Israel’s peace partner since the Oslo Agreement in September 1993, nothing changed. PA ‘moderate’ Abu Mazen stated the address was a death blow to the peace process and Israeli Arab MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi was quick to condemn Netanyahu’s statements. Hamas stated the prime minister’s words reflected his “racist extremist ideology”. MK Mohammad Barakeh of the Hadash Party stated Netanyahu chose the peace with the settlements over peace with Israel’s neighbors.

What is perhaps no less significant are the statements that were omitted, the lack of reference to the Golan Heights, and the statement regarding Jerusalem, “the Jewish capital that will remain united,” but failing to say under Israeli sovereignty.

In his reference to communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron, the prime minister spoke of the “settlers” and their yearning to live normal lives and their right to do so, but failed to mention anything about meeting construction needs to alleviate the critical housing shortage.

Mr. Netanyahu used his superb oratory skills to walk between the rain drops as some political analysts explain, avoiding the sensitive issue of the unauthorized outposts, an issue which remains high on the White House agenda.

Interestingly, the prime minister did state that if Israel’s conditions are met, which is an unlikely occurrence in the near future, Jerusalem will recognize a demilitarized Palestinian state. MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad explained on Sunday that US President Barak Obama is perceived as a miracle worker, entering office during a most difficult period, elected on the hope slate.

The president must deliver the goods to the American people and for now, he has targeted this area to be the source of this inspiration for the American people. Netanyahu provided enough of the politically correct mantra to satisfy Obama and permit the new American administration to continue delivering promises of hope, deflecting pressure from other fronts including America’s still ailing economy. In Israel, the prime minister did not deliver a blow to settlements, while the centrists and leftists have enough of what they need to support the current coalition for now, especially with the White House signaling all is well.

As for the peace partners, the PA, Hamas, Syria and others, they are not about to recognize Israel’s right to exist anytime soon, a formula that takes the heat off of Jerusalem. In his relatively short address, the prime minister managed to turn the tables with the next move now being in the PA’s court, taking the pressure off Jerusalem that has existed since President Obama’s address calling upon Israel to recognize the two-state solution and halt settlement construction.

A former Shin Bet director commenting after the address stated that from his perspective, the only thing he sees coming out of the Bar Ilan address is a renewed wave of Arab violence and attacks since the PA and Hamas now feel the talks will go nowhere and the only means remaining is what has succeeded in the past, bringing Israel to her knees with terror.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. We have enough right wing Newspapers…one more?…everybody knows he only satisfied “everyone” in ISRAEL with his speech…

  2. it was brilliant.

    I voeted for Ichud leumi but if Netanyahu can keep this brillaint balancing act of placating the Americans and forcing the arabs to show the world thier true colors as this writeup points out he will get my vote next time

  3. I glanced at several of the leading goyish newspapers, and I’ld hardly say that “everyone” was satisfied.

    Of course, to have them satisfied, Israel would have to adopt the Lemming as the national animal.

  4. Since the ball is in the PA’s court, and they will not quickly agree to admit the right for Israel to exist and will not quickly agree to an army-less Palestinian state. Unfortunately, (and HaShem will have mercy on us all) this will C’V create frustration on their part – and since they lack the capability of venting properly, it could very well result in C’V, C’V, C’V more attacks (as the last paragraph states.) Besides, why isn’t hussein obama putting pressure on the PA to control Hamas and to prosecute and jail offenders. They are just not putting too much effort into stopping the attacks. Another attack occurred this past Shabbat in the Darom (by the way, why wasn’t it covered on YWN?) This attack was a day before bibi’s speech. What does this signal? Think about it, the PA could very well control export/import of weaponry with enough police monitoring their borders. The PA could very well prosecute offenders and if they don’t have enough man power, I’m sure we will be happy to step in and lend a hand to a state that truly shows peace is a # 1 priority. The PA knows the location of these tunnels (which on Shabbat, a few of them were blown up – this also was not covered). We heard some air activities on Shabbat (someone said it was F-16 fighter jets) which almost always signals something is going on. Here is a great pix of what an F-16 looks like.
    Bottom line, Bibi’s speech was genius to the effect that pressure is now off, and if PA doesn’t come thru, we can say to hussein, “see we are trying, and they are not.” I just hope that hussein doesn’t turn around and say “well, if they admit Israel’s right to exist, remove the army-less state disclosure” This could very well happen, C’V.

  5. Very interesting comments. In spite of Netanyahu’s brilliance, exposing the palestianians as fruads, yet again, will not change the dynamic of this sham and criminal idea of a palestinian state at Israel’s expense.

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