Posters In Israel: ‘Obama Hates The Jews’

Posters depicting US President Barak Hussein Obama in a kafiye headdress are seen on Sunday morning in central Jerusalem near the shuk, on Highway 1, the Jerusalem Tel-Aviv Highway and near Bar Ilan University, where Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is scheduled to deliver his major political address on Sunday night.

The signs show the American president in the traditional Arab headdress on a red background.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. When Barry’s mommy married the Indonesian Muslim and moved to Indonesia, she renounced her American citizenship…think about that.(That is president obama to all of you who don’t know what I’m speaking about.)

  2. Lichvod/Dear Klal Yirael,
    We need to work on ourselves and Change Hashem is waiting for us to return to Him b’tshuva. We should start thanking Hashem for everything He does for us.
    Pick a midah to work on and change!!! The way this all turns us is up to us. B’zechus this may Hashem have much rachamim on us. AMEN.

  3. this is just really irresponsible. you don’t have to like his policies (i certainly don’t!) but all these personal attacks are just a bad idea. he is not a muslim, and he doesn’t hate jews; he feels that it’s in america’s best interest to implement certain policies, policies that worry us. cries of anti-semitism will do nothing to change that, and may even make things worse. we have to live with this guy for at least the next three and a half years at best, and very likely seven and a half. let’s not shoot ourselves in the foot.

  4. Thank you #3 and #4! It’s so tiring seeing inflammatory anti-Obama political articles. This is not news! I guess YWN just wants to cater to its fan base…

  5. 3 is absolutely correct. Along the same line, he is president of…gasp…the United States. If he feels a policy is best for the US, then it’s his responsibility to try to implement it, even if it’s not best for Israel. He wasn’t elected to be the protectorate of Israel, he was elected to look after America’s best interests. Nor should any president be elected based on what they will do for Israel…

    Not to mention that #4 is also correct, and he’s basically taking the same position as all the past administrations. But as commenters here prove day in and day out, some people only see and hear what they want to (i.e., self-confirming bias).

  6. 8, nobody is saying these people don’t have the *right* to say these things. We’re just saying that it’s not particularly intelligent or correct. We are exercising OUR speech as well.

  7. I’m with rob on this.

    I’d like to see some of these posters provide evidence of defending the role of President when Bush was defamed and insulted to grotesque degrees.

    If above posters can claim they made the same remonstrations at the repeated attacks on Bush, they will gains a semblance of credibility on the Mussar angle.

  8. If you disagree with a president with regard to his politics and can present a cogent argument, no one has a problem with your critique. In contrast, if all your criticisms of the president are based on his middle name or his skin color or you constantly compare USA 2009 to Germany 1939, no one even listens to your argument, all they hear is your empty inflammatory rhetoric.

    Of course the same is true with anyone who calls a president a nazi or a murderer.

  9. 10: I personally spoke out against inflammatory rhetoric against Bush, and consistently at that. However, I don’t know if you ever learned this phrase as a child, but “two wrongs don’t make a right.”

    11: Are you aware of what a “straw man” argument is? Look it up. Nobody is asking you to worship Obama or even agree with him. All anyone is speaking out against is empty baseless and hateful rhetoric. The fact that you can’t come up with a better response probably means that you haven’t even taken the time to form an intelligent and well thought-out opinion.

  10. He does not hate the Jews. He does not hate the arabs, either. He is, however, ignorant and naive and hypocritical (view on terrorism) about the situation.

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