Former US President Carter True to Form; Blames Israel….As Usual

carter1.jpgQuoted by the daily Haaretz, based on an exclusive interview with former US President Jimmy Carter held on Shabbos, Carter is quoted as saying that Israel and America are on a “collision course” if the current administration does not accept the two-state solution and a cessation to settlements policies. Carter stated the White House remains firm in its demands, and President Barak Obama will not change his position on these issues, sending a clear message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ahead of his Sunday evening political address from Bar Ilan University.

Carter said Obama had “committed to a worldwide audience” to bring about a complete stop to settlements, which he called “the key obstacle to any peace agreements.”

The former president stressed his pain over the maltreatment of Gaza residents “who are literally starving and have no hope at present”. He blames Israel for conditions in Gaza, remaining faithful to his longtime anti-Israel policies. He stated Israel is treating Gaza residents “like savages” and he calls on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to alleviate their pain and suffering.

In the meantime, Carter was handed a letter from Mr. Noam Shalit in the hope the former president will use his good relations with Hamas to have the letter delivered to Noam’s son, Gilad. Unfortunately, Carter seems uninterested in pressuring Hamas to release the soldier who is about to mark three years in captivity, or to address intelligence reports that Hamas continues to stockpile arms in preparation for the next armed conflict with Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Can someone please give this anti-semitic peanut farmer a one way ticket to Iran? Just tell him to leave his passport here.

  2. BS”D

    Proof positive that Obama is just Carter redux. How nice of him to write a letter. I wonder what it really is – a thank you note for keeping Shalit out of the army where he could kill innocent “palestinians”?

  3. you may make all make the fun you want of that ex-president. he still has the ears of the world tuned in to him . he is very anti-israel and thats unfortunate.for that matter the world hates jews and israel. the healthy connect that existed with the usa and israel may dissipate and israel will have only avinu sh’beshamayim to help us , and thats when the yeshua will come.

  4. Lichvod /Dear Klal Yisrael,
    #4 is 100% right we only have Hashem He is the only power He runs the world and only He decides. What we have to do is CHANGE We should start thanking Hashem for everything He does for us.
    Pick a midah to work on and CHANGE!!! The way this all turns us is up to us. B’zechus this may Hashem have much rachamim on us. AMEN.

  5. #5 how about putting a big dagesh on eliminating the hatred I see on a daily basis between chareidi chasidim and chareidi spharadim – it’s mamesh despicable. THIS IS THE #1 REASON WHY THE SECOND BEIS HAMIKDOSH WAS DESTROYED…….. SINAS CHINAM. so I agree that everyone should change – let’s start by letting spharadim kingerlach into cheder – chasidic schools because if a chasid kinderlach’s family would want to place their son in a sephardic school – they will not have any trouble being accepted. And so if a Sephardic family wants the Chasidic chinuch for their child, they should not be shunned based on their minhagim. I am not saying let everyone be accepted. It is the talmud torah’s menahel or his staff to responsibility to check thoroughly the ruchnius level of the family and to see if it fits with the talmud torah’s standard. and not to dismiss based on origin. We still, to this day have not had the schus to rebuild the 3rd beis hamikdash until we will be metaken this sinas chinam!

  6. What he said in of itself isn’t crazy, its just that he refuses to see why they’re under those conditions. If only he would concentrate half of the effort he wastes on criticizing Israel on trying to stop the terrorists.

  7. This “born-again” lunatic needs to get off the world stage. He is no longer president and is only parading around to keep himself busy. He is following the adage, “My enemies enemy is my friend”. He hates the Jews because his brand of Xtanity demands it. They dont like arabs either, but their dogma is not threatened by arab beliefs.

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