Protest in Jerusalem on Shabbos Against Acquiescing to Chareidim

prt.jpgWhile the decision to open the Jerusalem parking lot on Shabbos was delayed for two weeks by Mayor Nir Barkat, who is hoping to reach a solution with the Eida Chareidis and avoid Shabbos violence, secularists took to the streets this past Shabbos in their place. The protestors, including non-frum and members of the dati leumi carried derogatory signs lamenting City Hall’s decision to “acquiesce to the chareidim”.

The Forum for a Free Jerusalem organized the Shabbos protest, vowing to return in the coming weeks until the city opens the parking lot to visitors on Shabbos, rejecting the city’s decision to back down under mounting chareidi pressure.

City Hall announced on erev shabbos that the mayor remains committed to his policy decision, to permit non-Jews operate the parking lot on Shabbos to accommodate the many visitors to the city. Barkat stated his decision to postpone opening the lot for two weeks should not be in any way interpreted as a change of policy, but more accurately, a decision based on the ongoing hope the delay will provide time to reach agreement with Eida Chareidis leaders. The mayor added that even a lack of an agreement will not deter him, stating the decision to open and operate the parking lot on Shabbos is final and police will be ordered to maintain order.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. As an Adam Gadol recently said, we are not afraid of Iranian missiles. We are afraid of chillul Shabbos.

    Hashem has, can, and will protect us from any danger if we love Him and keep his mitzvos. If not, there is no am or lashon that He punishes worse than us, rachaman l’tzlan. We must do all we can peacefully to protect the holy Shabbos, and especially in the holy city.

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