Mayor Barkat Remains Firm – Shabbos Parking Lot Will Operate

nb.jpgJerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat’s spokesman explained the mayor remains firm in his commitment to operate a parking lot on Shabbos to accommodate the growing number of visitors to the capital. He explains that City Hall has done everything possible, operating the lots with non-Jews in respect for the Shabbos.

Spokesman Avitar Elad explains the mayor has not changed his mind, and the lots will open as planned.

As negotiations continue towards heading off a Shabbos of stormy Eida Chareidis protests, there is talk that a private underground parking lot will be used, a facility capable of accommodating 600 vehicles.

In the meantime, the Eida Chareidis is continuing plans for its major kabolas Shabbos in the Bar Ilan area, an act intended to send a message to City Hall that the desecration of Shabbos will not be tolerated, and that the Eida is capable of enlisting tens of thousands in its tenacious effort to prevent chilul Shabbos.

A meeting that was held on Wednesday between the mayor and representatives of the Vaad L’Ma’an Shabbos ended without reaching an agreement. Officials report the meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Does the parking lot laws in Yerushalayim permit those who park just before Shabbos to leave their cars in the lot until after Shabbos?

    Perhaps if all those in Yerushalayim who feel the parking lot encourages Jews to drive to Yerushalayim should utilize the parking lot in this way. There might not be enough spots left in the lot in case anyone would come after the start of Shabbos.

  2. Chavrusa- Pretty good idea, except that most of the people who are out there protesting don’t own cars or know how to drive.

  3. A special shout-out to the Ger Community for voting for this “voileh yid” who has as much interest in Shabbos Kodesh like I have in art…

    What a bizayon.

  4. #1, it is a great idea and there are definitely more than enough chareidi owners of cars that could fill up the parking lot before Shabbos. There are also many chareidi visitors who come to Yerusalayim with cars every Erev Shabbos (look at the the traffic jams before Shabbos) who should be encouraged to park there.

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