Hamas Pleased With America’s Pressure on Israel

hamas.jpgHamas politburo leader Khaled Meshal announced the terror organization is pleased with the pressure being applied on Israel by American President Barak Obama. Meshal called the White House pressure a step in the right direction.

The terrorist leader made his remarks during negotiations with rival Fatah faction leaders in Cairo. He added that Hamas is demanding a total cessation of settlement activity, adding the new American administration is showing positive signs, seeking to portray Hamas as a key element in regional peace-making efforts.

Namar Hamad, a senior advisor to Abu Mazen released a statement on Tuesday that the PA in Ramallah does not see any point in renewing talks with Israel until such time Jerusalem freezes all settlement activities and the government declares it is committed to the two-state solution, taking its cue from the White House.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. You didn’t finish the story. Hamas politburo chief Khalid Mishal has offered Barack Hussain Obama honorary Hamas membership. Mr Obama had to decline as he had already been made the same offer by Hezbollah and he did’t want to stretch himself too thin. Questioned by reprters while standing behind the White House sneaking a cigarette that he grubbed from a secret service agant, Mr Obama said that there just weren’t enough hours in the day.

  2. i think everyone should calm down!!!! obama is not such a threat-i think everyone is blowing up a situation where there is no situation so everyone take a big chill!!!! y is everyone getting so nervous? wat makes you say hes dangerous?

  3. Bush, Obama or McCain…..they all put the pressure on Israel. Obama, at least, says things about Jews that MUST anger arabs, even while he flatters the arabs.

    The problem with Obama is he has Clinton, a virulent anti-semite kept in the background doing her bidding on this. While Rice was trying to divide Jerusalem, her work was more in the open.

    The Hillary factor should be brought to light. I heard her speech about the neo-yemach schmoe shooting at the Holocaust Museum. She did not say (from the clip I heard) one word about Jews or antisemitism. The most she said was something like, “It is horrible when any people are …….. etc etc”. To me, carefully constructed words like that are coming from an antisemitic trouble maker with great power. The Clintons always were antisemites.

    Look, in all fairness, those of you who voted for McCain, well, he wanted a two-state solution in the Middle East, too. At some point, he would carry on where Bush left off in Bethesda and ALSO make speeches about, “Israelis need to do this…and that….and the palestinians have a right to….this and that….etc” Which is why I am glad I did not vote for either candidate.

    Those who are hating Obama but voted for McCain, I would like to hear how they would imagine McCain moving for a palestinian state (chas veshalom) in a way that would be more palatable.

    No matter how you slice and dice it…it’s a mess, folks.

  4. President Bush never likened Israel to Nazis. President Bush never bowed to a foreign head ofstate, let alone one whose country gave us 9-11 hijackers. President Bush never gave any indication that in time of extreme danger or threat he wouldn’t support Israel. Occasionally he would throw the arabs a meaningless scrap of meat (like the dogs they are)by referring to a 2-state solution. But that solution was promised if they would cease terror activity, not despite that activity.

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