Mitchell Continues to Pressure Israel

gmit2.jpgDuring his high-level meetings in Jerusalem on Tuesday, US Mideast envoy George Mitchell stressed America and Israel will maintain the special relationship that has existed to date, but nevertheless, the new administration is pushing Israel against the wall, demanding a formal statement from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that he remains committed to the two-state solution.

According to the London-based Arabic Al-Shark Al-Awsat newspaper, America has presented its latest plan to the Egyptians in the hope of jumpstarting talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The report states the plan has been presented to Netanyahu, who is expected to respond within six weeks.

Beginning his latest round of talks in Israel, Mitchell on Tuesday met in the Kirya, the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv with Defense Minister Ehud Barak. The two met in private for 90 minutes. Discussions included unauthorized outposts in Yehuda and Shomron, Israel’s demands to protect her security interests, and Israeli efforts to boost the PA economy.
On a more regional level, they also discussed Syria, Lebanon, Hizbullah, Iran and America’s desire for a comprehensive regional peace.

During his next meeting, with President Shimon Peres, he stressed that there can only be disagreement between friends and America’s commitment to Israel’s security is not a matter for discussion, despite policy differences at present.

Mitchell then met with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and he completed his shuttle diplomacy meetings with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. They discussed relevant current event issues, and the meetings were held in a “friendly atmosphere” the spokespersons announced to the media. The meeting with the prime minister lasted for four hours.

Mitchell also told leaders that reports that he told Jewish leaders Israel has been lying for all these years are simply untrue. Mitchell met with Mort Zuckerman, who owns the NY Daily News and US World, with Zuckerman also reporting that he has met many times with Senator Mitchell and he never made such statements regarding Israeli leaders lying to him over recent years.

In another related matter, during his recent meetings in Washington, American officials told Defense Minister Ehud Barak that the White House is not seeking to oust PM Netanyahu, stressing the Barak Obama administration is not working to unseat the prime minister in the hope of Kadima’s Tzipi Livni assuming control of the country.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Mr. Mitchell’s comment was “America’s commitment to Israel’s security is not a matter for discussion, despite policy differences at present.” Notice that this does not say that the commitment strong or in stone or any defining term. Only that it is not a matter for discussion. This is typical Obama administration. This is what they say when they don’t want to show their cards. All I can say is it is time to end the deafening silence. We have been trying to respect this leader but we have to speak out and point out that the Emperor has no clothes. He has an agenda and it has nothing to do with keeping Israel safe or America for that matter. This about power taken the Chicago way.

  2. Mr Mitchell is no friend of Israel! Instead of pressuring Israel he should get a satetment from Hamas and the Palestinian people guranteeing no more violence and a full reckognition of Israel then he should come back to Israel and he will see that he will not have a problem.

    What Mitchell and Obama want is a capitulation of Israel to terror, and that will NOT happen.

    This is a challenging time for Israel but this Makka (Obama and friends) shall pass. It is an inredible Chutzpah to pressure Israel to “commit suicide”

  3. This is like car sales. They schmooze you and tell you everything you want to hear and then end up giving you a price to pay that is off the wall.

  4. george mitchell is nothing more than a dirty arab himself. obama y”ms is no friend of Israel, look who he send over to negociate. don’t turn your back on this rusha g’moor.

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