PHOTOS: Gedolim Address 1,200 Gathered At Ichud Hatzolah Kinnos

4.jpg[YWN PHOTO LINK BELOW] Over 1,200 of United Hatzolah’s 1,500 members took part in Thursday’s Kinnos in Petach Tikvah. The event was called due to the growing split between the organization and Magen David Adom, the nation’s primary emergency medical service provider. 
The event, which was held in the Heichal Shlomo Hall, was attended by rabbonim and askanim, headed by Maran HaGaon Rav Aryeh Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon Rav Nissin Karelitz Shlita.
Conspicuously absent was Deputy Health Minister (Yahadut HaTorah) Yaakov Litzman, who sent a letter to be read to the participants. The deputy minister was attending a health conference in the Dead Sea area.

Officials in attendance included Deputy Finance Minister Yitzchak Levy and Knesset Finance Committee chair, MK Moshe Gafne, who spoke of the legitimacy of the dispute from Hatzolah’s perspective, adding “we are going for broke” in the effort to correct the discriminatory practices of MDA against the volunteer organization. Gafne has been close to United Hatzolah since its inception, and he appears determined to put MDA in its place. 
In short, the organization stated, it is waging war against MDA, and it will take whatever steps necessary to rectify the current situation or alternatively, will move to function as an independent organization. Hatzolah leaders called on MDA not to seek to harm Hatzolah, but to take steps towards mending the wounds and bridging the divide that has led to the current situation.

The mesirus nefesh of Rav Aryeh Leib Shteinman’s Shlit”a to attend and address the audience electrified the crowd. His message that Hatzalos Nefashos can not come at the cost to the Neshama of the matzil struck a very resonant chord among the Hatzalah members.

Rav Azriel Aurbach Shlit’a sat with his father-in-law Maran Harav Elyashiv this week along with the heads of United Hatzalah, Eli Beer and Zeev Kashash to chart a course for the organization. Rav Azriel Aurbach told the audience the clear and direct Psak of Rav Elyashiv that “No Torah observant Jew may volunteer in MDA but must be in the framework of Hatzalah that operates in the framework of halacha and under the guidance of the Gedolim.

Maran HaRav Ovadiah Yosef Shlit”a sent a message that was effusive with his praise for Hatzalah members who turn night into day saving lives, being mekadesh shem shamayim. The message concluded that “How great it is to be part of an organization that takes every step with the guidance of Daas Torah and Chas Veshalom that we should go to foreign fields that are replete with stumbling blocks.”

The Sanzer Rebbe, Rav Tzvi Elimelech Halberstam Shlit”a likewise sent words of praise and chizuk reiterating the need to operate under the framework of an organization dedicated to every prat of Halachah. He gave brochos to all follow in the way of Hashem.

Rav Yehudah Silman Shlit”a followed with a powerful address saying that United Hatzalah is a significantly professional and mature enough that it does not need to be in the custody of any other entity. Our hands are outstretched to work together but if pushed away we will operate with full independence and autonomy.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Yehuda Boltshauser / Topshot Images.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. As Maran HaRav Ovadiah Yosef Shlit”a said “How great it is to be part of an organization that takes every step with the guidance of Daas Torah” Please Hashem look at the way we are conduting ourselves to follow in Your ways. Arouse your compassion and continue to save and protect us.
    Bring us all home.

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