Rav Finkel Comes Out Strong Against Smoking

HaGaon HaRav Binyamin Finkel in remarks made in the Agudas Ben Torah beis medresh in Ashdod before Shavuos came out strongly against smoking. He cited that the torah repeatedly instructs us to take care of ourselves, and today, it is abundantly clear this mean no smoking, an act which actively attacks one’s health.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. well its about time! i always thought it was unbelievably two faced of any yeshiva institution to teach about middos and behavior, and yet tolerate or ignore students who smoke. A bachur who smokes obviously has emotional problems that need to be dealt with, and if he feels such a need to be “cool” then he needs some friends who are a better influence. “If all your friends jumped off a bridge- would you?”- It’s a cliche for a reason- because its true!

  2. Every yeshiva MUST stop employing Rabbeim and Magidei Shiur who smoke!

    They are who we want our children to aspire to.

    Kids are not capable of selectively aspiring to only some of a Madrich’s qualities/habits.

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