Arens: America’s Policy Dictate to Israel Unacceptable

Dr. Moshe Arens spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Wednesday morning, expressing his opposition to the new White House policy, dictating to Israel regarding a number of key issues.

Arens acknowledged that America has pressure and even directed Israel in the past, but today’s situation of seeking to direct policy is “unacceptable”.

“We have a small difficult problem. America is Israel’s major ally but the current situation is unacceptable, with the White house giving direct orders to Israel regarding internal policy”.

“While we mustn’t regard the America’s demands flippantly”, he added, “we are also an independent nation, not a banana republic, and we are not compelled to comply with all of the policy decisions of the White House”.

The former senior minister stressed that if there is a dialogue, there is what to talk about but the current format, directing Israel to adhere to American policy decisions is unacceptable. “The only ones the government must listen to is the Israeli electorate on Election Day”. Arens stressed Israel must not compromise national interests.

Dr. Arens has served as Israeli ambassador to the USA as well as foreign minister and defense minister.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Obama thinks is Israel is GM and AIG, whose arms he is twisting, firing and hiring CEO’s etc. I hope that Israel won’t be forced to declare Chapter 11 chas v’shalom.

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