More Pressure Tactics from the White House?

oban.jpgUS President Barak Obama on Tuesday, in an unusual move, made an unscheduled visit, stopping in to say hello during a Washington meeting between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and National Security Advisor James Jones.

In Washington, the move is being explained, played down, stating that the president appears to be taking on a custom that was frequently practiced by his predecessor, George W. Bush. It is also being explained that the move is also a signal, informing the distinguished visitor, Mr. Barak that the President stands behind his official, in this case, NSA Jones.

Going into the Washington visit Barak knew he was going to be pressured, despite repeatedly announcing his intentions to remove over 20 unauthorized outposts. For the new US administration, this however is not enough. Obama exhibits a genuine disinterest regarding the needs of the Israeli people, shunning what he knows to be factual legitimate data, the need to continue building throughout Eretz Yisrael to accommodate thousands of young couples.

Israel is at fault in more than a small way, for always permitting the Western community to refer to Yehuda, Shomron and formally Gaza as “occupied” or “the territories”, resulting in a questionable and less than legitimate status. Right-wing governments feared to annex the areas liberated in 1967 into Israel, and too many leaders have signaled a willingness to negotiate their future. Instead of labeling them the East Bank [of Jordan], Israel has permitted the term West Bank [of the Jordan River] to become an acceptable term.

Official statements released from Washington during recent days deny reports that the White House is reevaluating its position regarding its firm support base for Israel in the UN, a truly hostile environment for the Jewish State, but in reality, Jerusalem is under immense pressure to self-destruct, to acquiesce to the PA (Palestinian Authority), a terror authority that has shunned all agreements since the signing of the Oslo Accord on the White House lawn on Sept. 13, 1993.

Many point out that the fact that President Obama is in the region, visiting Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and is not stopping in Israel, is significant as well. Some analysts explain that it is a clear sign from the American leader that the relationship between Washington and Jerusalem is cooling.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. #1 – I am sure there were people in Germany in the 1930’s who felt the same as you say now. I agree with your comments after your …… However to say don’t worry? I think we all SHOULD worry and we all should take upon ourselves to be Mispallel a little more and a little better for the Matziv in Eretz Yisroel. I for one AM worried!

  2. When the ostriches stop sticking they’re heads in the ground they will recognize this man for what he is a Jeremiah Write protégée. This very well could be the early signs of GOG Umogog. This closet Muslim wants to destroy us but with Teshuva And Tefilla we can overcome everything!

  3. I wonder if Obama is taking marching orders from the head of the old Clinton regime, himself. There are similarities with novel approaches to the economy, yet very similar arm twisting of Israel and embracing arabs.

  4. To #3– I agree with you. I did not mean to suggest that we don’t have to do our hishtadlut, both in terms of tefilla and other mitzvos as well as perhaps political pressure here in the U.S. and in Israel. At the end of the day however, HaSh-m HU HaElokim, HE is in charge. Rabot machshavot b’lev eesh, atzat HaSh-m HEE takum! The politicians on the world scene come and go, but the Am HaSh-m will always be here. Our future is determined by our obedience to the will of HaSH-m, not by some dopey prime minister or president. When they act against Am Yisrael it is THEIR future that is in trouble, not ours.

  5. Why is everyone so worried about Potus-BHA? After all, he assured the old folks in Florida that his name “Barak” (lightning) means “Bah-rooochhh” (blessing) and he made a seder for Passover too. This guy is our friend…

  6. If there is a cooling in support from the American government, perhaps Israel would be wise to counter with a significant warming in its relationship with China and the Soviet Union. It’s kept up contact all along, but the balance of power in the region is shifting.

  7. Hashem send him to tell us its time for CHANGE-A change in us to do T’SHUVA. Let’s all show Hashem why he chose us to be be His AM KADOSH. The way this all turns out is up to us.

  8. Obama – Israel is not your country!!! Quit telling us what to do!!! Lets see YOU give half of YOUR country back to the indians!!!

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