America’s Obama Taking Anti-Israel Animosity to a New Level

isus.jpgUnited States President Barak Obama this week will announce his vision that he is confident will bring regional peace to the Mideast. He has chosen to release his plan to the world from Cairo, in line with his policies obviously aimed at eliciting support from the global Muslim community, as he sheds layers of the unique Israeli-American relationship that have existed for decades, as well as placing American interests and according to some security concerns, on back burners towards advancing his vision. There have been tense times between the White House and Jerusalem in the past, but Obama did not grant any days of grace before revealing his hand, one that is not favorable to America’s staunchest Mideast Ally.

The president has indicated he will set a two-year deadline for a comprehensive Mideast agreement, which appears he calculates will be achieved by pressing Israel into unprecedented concessions, some demanding Israel compromise vital security, water and other essential interests. His present policies display a total lack of concern for Israel’s needs, opting to ignore housing and other key issues, while failing to exhibit the slightest effort towards pressuring the PA for the return of Gilad Shalit.

The New York Times quotes a senior Obama administration official as saying the White House is contemplating methods towards compelling Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to acquiesce to mounting pressure from Washington, including possibly ending the unwritten agreement of automatic US support for Israel in vehemently anti-Israel debates in the United Nations. The new president seems unwilling to tolerate Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s concerns for his nation’s well-being, unwilling to settle for anything less than total Israeli compliance with White House dictate.

Interestingly, Obama, a novice in his new role as world leader, fails to see the strategic importance of ally Israel, the only stable democratic government in the region, preferring to kindle the fires of friendship with nations like Syria, a regime which openly supports Islamic terror and anti-American policies. Obama seems genuinely committed to enter into dialogue with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who continues to openly defy the American leader and international Western community, along with N. Korea and other axis of evil leaders.

Obama seems paralyzed by some accounts, and Israel’s interests aside, many Americans are increasingly concerned that the president may irreparably damage US interests and his policies may prove extremely costly in the not-so-distant future.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

33 Responses

  1. Where are all the so called jewish democrats now, that promised us that Obama would be as good to Jews and Israel as Bush was??

  2. Obama is obviously not a student of history, for as history has shown, those who mess with us have had their downfalls and this time it won’t be any different.

  3. The truth is Obama is too weak to be a real threat to us.

    Notice how Obama made sure it was always surrogates like Clinton & Mitchell who protested building in settlements and so on. He’s hiding behind Clinton’s skirts because he’s afraid to stand up on the issue. Because–he knows it won’t wash! Watch–in Cairo he will have some Phd gobbledygook to say about settlements that tries to square the circle on both sides.

    His employees on C Street continue to bolster the US’s reputation of having the worlds worst diplomats. Their latest dud idea was that 27 Arab and Moslem countries would grant Israel air rights, and soon after that open diplomatic relations with them. Just because they loved Obama’s peace message so much.

    Diplomats? Dodos! Of course the idea flopped, starting with our ‘friend’ Egypt throwing it in the garbage can two days ago.

    Obama’s now pushing off Israel/Palestinian peace for two more years. All he has to do is kick the can down the road one more time in after those two years are over, and he can promise it in his re-election campaign. He’s not going to hurt us at all.

    But write this article saying he is a threat. It won’t hurt either…

  4. Obama go take care of GM and the rest of the USA or go to Sri lanka.
    just for your own sake stay out of the middle east

  5. All YWN readers who were ecstatic about a JEW being Obama’s closest advisor (& an Israeli to boot!) …WE WARNED YOU!! Those “believers” can blame themselves for putting the lives of millions of Jews at risk. YOU voted this man as President. I certainly didn’t!

    Why is it “interesting” that Obama sides with Muslims & radical terrorists? This writing was on the wall since day 1 of his campaign. Nothing new here.

  6. It seems Mr. Spira has an ongoing legitimacy problem with his reportage. Spira has, in both articles in which he professes to know what Obama will announce in Cairo, provided positively no sources to justify his claims. He makes no reference to documents confidential or otherwise, he makes no reference and provides no quotes from White House staffers, Middle East envoys, or anyone else in the know. He has directly contradicted statements by both the White House and the Israeli Foreign Ministry on these matters, and yet for some reason YWN continues to print his fabrications and YWN’s readers continue to believe them. It’s embarrassing.

  7. משלי פרק ל
    …תַּחַת שָׁלוֹשׁ רָגְזָה אֶרֶץ
    תַּחַת עֶבֶד כִּי יִמְלוֹךְ

  8. I would like an answer in order to rebut this argument:

    i’m just going to tell you one more time, yeshiva world news is not a legitimate source of news and you cannot believe anything they publish. that article was written by the same person who wrote the last article you sent me.

    please learn how to read an article critically. does spira provide a single source to substantiate his article? does he provide a quote? a reference to a document? a reference to a white house staffer? a reference to a middle east envoy? a reference to anyone or any source which could have possibly given him this information?

    no. because he doesn’t have that information. he doesn’t know. he’s making it up so that gullible people like you will throw a fit…. Read More

    and in two days, when obama says and does no such thing in cairo, all of the idiots who are screaming now are going to completely ignore the fact that spira was wrong about everything he said and flip out all over again the next time he prints a pack of lies.

    The writer of this does have a point. Until you guys actually show real proof, this is just editorializing and doesn’t really help me much in my fight. So please start printing proof of the allegations, and then people won’t take you as such a joke.

  9. How obama treats Eretz Yisrael will not have long lasting or significant outcome on Eretz Yisrael. but it WILL have a lasting and significant outcome on HIM!!!

  10. Where are all the self-righteous, condescending. ortho-liberal posts that we endured throughout the election? Where are you guys now? For months during the campaign you defended Obama tirelessly, telling us all we were wrong about his ill-intentions towards Israel. And this is just the beginning – its only going to get worse.

  11. When Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky compared Obama to King Herod as a ruler who gave the Jews tzaros, he wasn’t kidding.

  12. Oy Vey! Here we go again.

    A bunch of arm-chair generals (this time it’s Jewish generals 🙂 ) commenting on what President Hussein is doing or what he should be doing.

    When are we all going to realize that it’s HaShem at work here????

    Do you really believe that this guy has any clue on what’s going on and what to do??? In fact, his head is so empty, he needs a teleprompter to read him his speeches.

    There was once a bigger Chochom than this fool whom we’ll call Bilaam. He had the best PR firm. He had a great track record in getting things done. Nobody dared to be on the receiving end of his curses. He was also a Navi. He too, tried to ruin things for Klal Yisroel. There was only one hitch.

    HaShem had other plans.

    So, every time he opened his big mouth, all he was able to spew was more blessings and more blessings.

    Because that’s what HaShem wanted.

    Another story we know – Sancherev. He had a mighty army that threatened to devour Klal Yisroel. I’m sure that at the time, he sounded far worse than Achmadinejad YM”SH.

    Nu, so what do you think all his sabre-rattling got him? Well, in one night they were all destroyed without one shot being fired!

    The stories are endless. All the stories from the T’Nach are just there for us to learn lessons from them.

    Why don’t we learn from our history that the only one in charge is HaShem?

    My dear Yiddishe brethern – HisYatzvu Ur’ee Es Yeshuas HaShem!

    I was worried that with the way that things are turning out so far (quite humdrum) we wouldn’t be zoiche to Moshiach coming this year. Things are Boruch HaShem beginning to really heat up now and we may be in the beginning stages of the downfall of Esav.

    Remember what Rivka was told – “that both nations will not have highs or lows at the same time”. America (who represents Esav) is the largest super-power on this planet. All the other coutries pale in comparison. As soon as it declines, automatically the Mazel of Klal Yisroel will have to go up. It’s a Nevuah which means it’s as Emes as the Torah.

    President Hussein is accelerating the downfall of this country. I really don’t wish for anyone to have a downfall, but if that’s the only way for my nation to rise, so be it.

    I can’t wait.

    All I can say is, prepare yourselves. Moshiach will be here soon. Och Un Vei if he comes and we’re still wearing dirty clothes.

    Let’s tidy up by doing more Mitzvos!

    Good days are coming!

  13. Do posters on this article mean to say that an American president must never contradict the positions of a government of the State of Israel, and if the president DOES, that makes him an anti-semite? What kind of world do we live in if Yidden think this way? It’s frightening to see the paranoid mentality, or perhaps a better word is NARCISSISTIC. Do you mean that a President has to worry about the interests of the State of Israel FIRST, and American interests SECOND?

  14. Well what did you expect from someone with such a colorful background?

    He is looking for the 57 states (thats a muslim yemach sh’mom thing!) so maybe he wants to join us with his arab bruthuhs.

    People in the USA were so enamored by someone who did NOTHING in his life other than cause lots of trouble on the streets of Chicago and just because he is a shucher they elected him president. Forget about his past. At least they could say they have a shucher in the white house.

    I hope all these wakkos are happy with the way he is taking the country down down down.

  15. The handwriting was on the wall about Barrack HUSSAIN Obama. His associations, his Islamic family ties, his madras education, his lack of loyalty to anyone (including his own family. Liberal Jews just had to show how much smarter they were than everyone else, at the expense of their own people. Now look at what you’ve done. We now have the biggest sonei yisroel ever in the White House. Not just voters for Barrack HUSSAIN, but all of us need to do t’shuva and accumulate z’chusim to save us from this black racist, communist and arabist. And when saying V’lamashinim, maybe keep in mind those who continue to support and appologize for him.

  16. goodyiddel, he is not just prioritizing American interests. He is linking Israel’s literal self-destruction with continued good relations with the United States. And yes, if you have been reading the Yated Ne’eman, anti-zionist is now the chic way of being an anti-semite.

    So, I ask you goodyiddel, bist du mit alemen? Fun vamen kumt a yid?!

  17. SO according to you guys the only good US president is one who is more loyal to the State of Israel than to the United States, or better yet, that loyalty to the United States means loyalty without question to the interests of the State of Israel??!!

  18. No one is saying that the President is supposed to be more loyal to the State of Israel. But since when did the existence of settlements have anything to do with American strategic interests? It does not! But, the ability for Israel to be strong and being and able to be self reliant is important to the United States if the U.S. wants to still rely on Israel for supplying them with extremely necessary intelligence against Israel’s Arab neighbors who coincidentally fund Al Qaeda and Hamas to just name two terrorist organizations.

    Your characterization of my demanding that the President should be more loyal to the State of Israel is an intentional mistake on your part to attack the very being of the State of Israel. Maybe you are one of those creeps who flew to Iran to kiss the President of Iran. Are you going to tell me that Obama should strengthen his relationship with Iran because Iran is dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel?

    And one more thing; your Jewish brothers and sisters call the State of Israel their home. They live in such neighborhoods as the Geula and Meah Shearim sections of Jerusalem. They daven in the Batei Medrashim of the Toldos Aaron and Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbes. Or, are you going to mischaracterize anyone who lives in Israel to be reshoim because they happen to live there?

  19. Flatbush Bubby, you made my point. I rest my case. A person who can not see beyond his own political nose is a narcissist. Please check this term in a dictionary. Pathetic, utterly pathetic. Whereby the elected president of the United State is supposed to serve the interests #1 of the Knesset.

  20. #23 – goodyiddel – perhaps you can explain to everyone how being loyal to arab [read: terrorist] interests translates to loyalty to USA?? what has this have to do with loyalty to USA??

  21. #15. Please dont cherry pick. To be accurate, Rabbi Kanievsky said Herod, too, was a black man, destined to serve, who lead. He went on to say that while Herod gave the Jews tzuris, he also made way for the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdosh.

    I am convinced it is not who the president is. From Kennedy to Obama; Dems, GOPs, Libs, Cons, the song remains the same. Israel stand alone.

    Remember, Bush held the first conference, in Maryland, to accomplish dividing up Jerusalem. Thank heaven it failed.

  22. No matter who is president, for decades, we send troops to every corner of the world to help others defend their sovereignty; except for Israel.

    It is a crime that America pressures Israel to cede land Israel’s terrorists but America sends troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight Americas’ terrorists (ironically, both countries share the same terrorists).

  23. I never said that. I never even implied that the President of the United States should place the interests of the U.S. before Israel’s. That is an intentional mischaracterization on your part. But, again, explain to me why demanding a complete halt to building any new housing, reaching out to Hamas and Hezbollah, flying to Cairo to make a major speech, and calling for the lifting of the blockade against Gaza is in anyway shape or form in the best strategic interests of the United States? Please explain this to me.

    Instead, you mischaracterize what I write to mean that I am demanding that the United States put the interests of Israel before their own. You call this narcissistic. You still have not responded to my questions.

  24. Dear Rebshalom:
    How are things in the hole in the ground in which you have apparantly burried your head? Richard Nixon’s middle name was Millhouse, not HUSSAIN. His father was Protestant, not MUSLIM. He attended public school not a MADRASS. He gave his first televised interview as president to an american journalistnot an ARAB. Jesse Jackson never announced that Nixon’s election would mean the end of Israeli control of the whitehouse, but he made that statement about Obama.

  25. I agree, Obama will halp to bring Moshiach, and the Ishmaelites wiil halp to bring Moshiach.

    They will both give us so much TsoEs that we will cry out to HaShem, and finally be redeemed.

  26. It’s amazing how some people actually think Clinton brought down the country, Bush hiked it up, and Obama is dragging it down. lol

    Regardless of their personal lives, jobwise, Clinton brought up the country, Bush killed it and almost put the final nails in the coffin, and Obama has the job to resuscitate it.

    Does anyone REALLY believe if THEY won the election that they would be stepping into easy street?

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